I Have Faith In Nights *Chapter Five*

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Title - I Have Faith In Nights

Author - DaintyBoots

Comment(s) - Enjoy chapter five!! Vote &/or comment for six!! Also, another special announcement!! If 5 people use my mercari discount code when signing up by tomorrow, I will update the last couple chapters on Saturday.. all of them. The code is "CQFNPE" case sensitive. Thank you!! We almost got 5 people on Wednesday so thank you for that!


Chapter 5

Chapter Text -


"Dude, just hear me out -"

"No Stiles."

"Can you just listen to what I have to say -"

"Fucking no and that's it."

Derek knew that wouldn't be it, just as he knew that he was going to get a semi-threatening phone call from Reyes later that night or that Stiles was never going to give him back his favourite baseball cap. For the past three days, Stiles had been trying to wear him down with a constant barrage of arguments and pleas, and along with his big honey-coloured eyes, Derek had to admit the kid had come up with a pretty potent cocktail of persuasion. But he wasn't backing down on this, no way. Derek was pure principle, and principles didn't get distracted by outstretched hands or biting implorations.

Stiles shifted in his position on the arm of the couch, patting the leather seat so Trigger could jump up and settle across his feet. Derek made sure that the heat was on constantly, that the apartment was perpetually boiling, but Stiles was always cold.

"Listen, you need me man, you fuckin' need me and you know it. You can't get at them unless you have me."

Derek rubbed his eyes, pressing in the pads of his fingers until miniscule paint splodges exploded behind his eyelids. "Stiles, you've already done enough. You've told me the night Leon will be getting the drugs of this Ghost Man; you've told me who he'll be with, you don't need to do anymore."

"You know as well as I do all that info is bullshit unless I can get to Lee and figure out the drop zone for the product. And it's not like you can post a fuckin' cop on every shitty corner of this goddamn city, man. Hell, I can name you whole neighbourhoods that are patrol-free. So." He wiggled his fingers together in a jazz-hands motion. "Wire me up and I'll figure it all out for you."

Derek took a deep breath and considered his plan of resistance. He knew Stiles was exasperated, hell, if he was in his position, he'd be exasperated too. The last few days had been all over the place, a jolting sequence of hope, confusion and retreat. The main problem was that Derek rose early to go to work and could got back late in the evening, so he only saw a Stiles that had spent the entire day alone.

It was becoming more and more evident that secondary withdrawal was setting in, and with it came the depression the doctor had warned about. More than that, Derek couldn't quite shake the fact that the exhaustion obviously had not yet seeped out of Stiles, that he was still ash-grey and rail-thin. Coupled with the sudden twitches and the white-static screams that came from the bedroom late at night, he knew it was far from over.

For the most part, Stiles just curled up on the couch and watched television. His curiosity in every corner of Derek's apartment had, for the most part, evaporated. Even Derek's locked safe was no longer a place of interest. Derek had reluctantly told him that all that was in there were his guns. Rolling his eyes, Stiles sighed "Fuck that shit man, I've seen way too many pieces for them to be anything but hella boring. I thought you'd at least have some pornos in there or something. "

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