Derek the Domestic Failwolf *Part Four*

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Tags: Alpha/Beta/Omega Dynamics, Alpha Derek, Omega Stiles, Domestic Fluff

Series:« Part 4 of the Thorns series »

Title: Derek the Domestic Failwolf

Author: standinginanicedress



Stiles got training to be an omega, and Derek got training to be an alpha. Hard edges, tough, sneering at the sheer thought of fucking knitting something while he beat people up for fun. That's how his parents raised him.

And, yeah. That's all good for protecting Stiles and buying things for him, the stuff he's supposed to do.

But sometimes he wants to be good at the other stuff. Stiles likes the other stuff – he deserves the other stuff.

or 5+ times that Derek (thinks he) was a shitty alpha.


Comment(s): Sorry it's been so long!! Here's part 4 of the Thorn Series!! Vote/comment for part 5!!


Derek's mother forces him into having a “house-warming” party after he and Stiles get all settled into the new place. It's nice – hardwood floors, a decent kitchen, a medium sized living room, with all new appliances and a freshly renovated bathroom. Way nicer than anything he would've been able to afford without his parents' help, so he guesses he owes his meddling mother some stupid little party, at least, after every thing she's done for him.

Stiles more or less takes over the reins of the entire affair. Derek had barely gotten the words out during pillow talk one night their third week of living together, before Stiles was pulling a notebook out from out of nowhere, clicking a pen, and making a list of things to get from the grocery store while muttering under his breath about chips and dip. When Derek tried to take the notebook out of his hands so they could fucking cuddle, Stiles thwapped him over the head with it and hissed something about this is important I'm making an impression your family!

As if he hadn't already made about ten zillion impressions on his family? Like the time he babysat Derek's youngest two sisters while the rest of the pack was out and busy and he came back to the apartment smelling like cookie dough, covered in glitter with bright pink makeup drawn all over his cheeks. Or when Cora's dress ripped in the back at prom and Stiles pulled a fucking sewing kit out of his pocket and stitched it up before anyone even noticed. Or, perhaps most notably, when Derek's mother challenged Stiles to a "bake-off" to see who could make better brownies - Derek had unfairly wound up as the fucking judge of that competition, and he had to sit there at the kitchen table while Stiles and his mother stared down at him. Stiles looked at him like he'd pick the brownie up and stuff it down Derek's throat to choke him if he picked his mother's, and his mother looked at him like she'd take his credit card away if he said Stiles'.

He chose Stiles' and bought his own gas for a week.

The point is, Stiles has already made his place in the pack as Derek's mate, Cora's friend, the younger members' favorite babysitter, and the target for a constant stream of pats on the head and hugs. No one in his family dislikes Stiles or looks down on him - which, considering the backlash when Laura brought home her new boyfriend, is a hard feat to accomplish. Stiles is stamped and approved as not just Derek's omega, but the Hale Pack's omega.

All the same, Stiles devotes so much attention to this idiotic party that Derek finds himself saying "you are taking this way too seriously" several times - like when he comes home to find Stiles crafting at the coffee table in the living room with a fucking glue stick and construction paper, makinginvitations even though a simple phone call would've sufficed. He spends the entire Saturday before the party with Derek's credit card buying all the food, carting it all inside with arms full with eight bags each while Derek hollers why didn't you ask me to help you!? at him. If Derek had a dime for every time Stiles did something idiotic, like walk up six flights of stairs with sixteen fully loaded grocery bags that Derek could've very easily helped him with for example, just to show everyone that he's not just some hopeless omega, he'd be a very, very, wealthy man.

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