The Entire Garden *Part 5*

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Tags: Mating, Claiming Bites, Marriage!, Mpreg, Knotting, Alpha/Beta/Omega Dynamics

Series:« Part 5 of the Thorns series

Title: the entire garden

Author: standinginanicedress



Derek blinks at him, cocks his head to the side, and grins again. “Is it not obvious?”

“Um!” Stiles lets out a guffaw. “Obvious that you've gone off your rocker? Yeah, that's shockingly obvious to me, Derek. Honestly, the fact that you – that you would even think to do something as fucking nuts as this is unbelievable, and I would really like to know why you thought this would be-” Stiles breaks off in a choke. Just stops mid sentence, mid fucking word.

Because Derek drops down onto one knee and takes Stiles' hand in both of his. He smiles up at his omega, tilts his head to the side, and says, “is this obvious enough?”


Comment(s): This is the last part to the Thorn Series!! It's 24,000+ words though so don't get too upset!!


Derek buys the rings in the spring time – spur of the moment.

He had just been picking up some book in the mall that Stiles wanted to read, and was planning on getting out of the god forsaken place as soon as possible. He fucking hates the mall. He hates how many people there are, how many teenagers there are, how many children there are, and he finds himself grumbling at every single store like an entire store dedicated to Disney? Just fucking go to Disney World, then, you lazy piece of shit?

So that's what he's doing. He has a bag from the bookstore with Stiles' book dangling from his hand, frowning and sighing as he makes his way towards the exits. He can see the bright sunshine and blue skies of the outside world, a world far, far away from the screaming and people on cell phones and the smell of fried dough from the Cinnabon kiosk, can see freedom and quiet...

When his eyes catch sight of the jewelry store. The one that he literally has never even thought about – has passed by a zillion times in his life and never even looked inside. Now, he's looking. He's looking at the bored girl behind the glass counters tapping her index finger with a frown, and at the long lines of glittering necklaces and diamonds and...rings.

Here's the thing. He's given thought to he and Stiles' official mating a few times – possibly quite a few times, as a matter of fact. He's thought about Stiles being made part of the Hale pack, of Stiles walking around wearing a ring to let everyone know exactly who he belongs to and which pack he's a part of.

But he always thought it would be best to wait until at least Derek was done with school, until he was the leader of the Hale pack officially and was making all his own money, until he and Stiles were, you know...ready. He's never even thought to mention it to Stiles, or even really talk about it, because in his mind, it's just understood. He's positive that Stiles knows that after Derek graduates and gets inducted as The Alpha, Derek's going to ask him to be his pack's omega. The future father of his children, his right hand in all his decisions, his confidant, his bedmate, his, you know.Everything.

As they are now, they're only three quarters of what they could be. Maybe the whole mating thing is just a piece of paper, a ring, and ceremonial hogwash for his mother to cry about. But it's undeniable that until the knot is officially tied, the papers signed, the rings slid onto their fingers, they're just glorified boyfriends, and Stiles just happens to have the triskele tattooed on his body and just happens to have claiming bites all over his neck.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Sep 17, 2015 ⏰

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