Baby, If You Only Knew

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Tags: Kid Fic, Mpreg, Angst, Hurt/Comfort, Underage Sex, Pack Feels, Derek Hale is Bad at Feelings, Pregnant Stiles, Mates, Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence

Title - Baby, If You Only Knew

Author - kea1191



"“Oh for christ- I’m pregnant!” Stiles yells, “There is a baby gestating in my stomach, due in approximately seven months. You’re the father. Congratulations.”"

Months after spending the night with Derek, Stiles discovers he's pregnant. Of course it isn't enough that there is a new threat facing Beacon Hills or that Derek is ignoring him like the plague. No, the universe just had to throw teenage pregnancy into the mix.


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It was never a possibility. At least he never thought it was. Sure, Stiles knew that it could happen, had been warned time and time again by his father and doctor to be safe, but in his mind he was already married to Lydia, picket fence and all, and there wasn’t a chance in hell that he would ever have to worry about becoming pregnant.

Not ever.

Except sometimes things happen that turn “no chance in hell” into “a very good possibility”, and Lydia saving Jackson with “the power of love” was just what set it off.

So what if it was just a schoolboy crush? His heart was in it. And while it didn’t hurt nearly as much as watching his mother die, it still hurt.

Which is why Stiles seeks comfort a few days after the face-off with Gerard, and since misery likes company, he spends the night searching for Derek. Unsurprisingly he finds him on the porch of the Hale house, and instead of saying anything, just sits beside him, pulling out the bottle of whiskey he stole from his dad’s stash.

The moon hangs low in the sky, not full, but close enough, and Stiles stares at it for awhile before he says anything. “You know, I always thought I wanted some excitement in my life, and now that I have it, I don’t know what to do with it. The girl I’m crazy in love with only has eyes for the guy I’ve hated since elementary school. My best friend is a werewolf that’s in love with a werewolf hunter who sort of went insane a few weeks ago. I’m in this world that would scare the shit out of any normal person and yet I barely blink an eye when I’m faced with death. I could die tomorrow and that doesn’t really scare me, but I have panic attacks about everyone around me dying and leaving me here.” Beside him, Derek huffs and for a moment Stiles is confused before he realizes that what he’s described has been Derek’s life since he was Stiles’ age. “How do you deal with it? Because I feel like I’m drowning in fear at the thought of it and you …”

“Live it?” Derek supplies, finally giving Stiles a sidelong glance and Stiles nods. “You deal by learning to do whatever you want and not care about the consequences. After all, you don’t have anything to lose. ”

“And you do what you want? Because all I’ve seen is you struggling to make everyone else... well, not happy, but something.” He counters, taking another long pull of the whiskey. “We all … we all take you for granted, I think. You can be an asshole, don’t get me wrong, but Scott needs to grow up and stop being so wary of you. The Argent’s need to apologize profusely for the shit they’ve put you through, because you’ve saved their asses how many times in the the last year and half? And I should maybe tell you that you’re not … you don’t seem like a bad guy. You make stupid decisions sometimes and you really shouldn’t be so stubborn, but you’re around when needed and you keep helping me and Scott despite us screwing you over.” Stiles sends Derek an apologetic smiles as he says this, and stills when he realizes Derek’s watching him with an intense look. He gulps audibly, unable to tear his eyes away from Derek’s. “So, uh, what do you want right this second, Derek?”

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