The Right Book, in the Right Hands

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Title - The Right Book, in the Right Hands

Author - TroubleIWant



Stiles loves his job. Mostly. Like, maybe sixty-seven percent loves. For right out of college that's pretty good, right? And among people working in the Chicago O’Hare airport he's positive he's in the 99th percentile of job enjoyment.

When all is said and done, he really does love putting the right book into the right hands. Especially when those hands are as attractive as the ones attached to Hot Businessman Derek Hale.


Comment(s) - I'm drowning in cuteness.


Work Text:


Stiles loves his job. Mostly. Like, maybe sixty-seven percent loves. For right out of college that's pretty good, right? And among people working in the Chicago O’Hare airport he's positive he's in the 99th percentile of job enjoyment.

Sure, stocking the books is both boring and physically demanding, lunch options are limited, and there are seriously grouchy morning customers. The commute may not be great, and he seriously had never wanted to have such an up close and personal relationship with TSA procedures...

Wait, but the good stuff. Stiles loves working for Lydia, for example, because she is brilliant. Who else could run a nationally recognized independent bookstore out of an airport, much less one not-so-lovingly nicknamed O’Hell? Only open for two years, and she’s already looking at expanding the franchise to Dallas. On top of learning the business from the best, Stiles also gets a fifteen percent discount on books. That’s pretty sweet, right? And finally, when all is said and done, he really does love putting the right book into the right hands.

Especially when those hands are as attractive as the ones attached to the hot businessman who just stormed in.

The store is mostly empty, so Stiles can just enjoy watching the guy browse. He’s about Stiles’ height, though more heavily muscled. Dark hair and pale skin, sharp nose and cheekbones, bright hazel eyes framed by thick, curling lashes and a pair of fucking impressive eyebrows. He must be some kind of high-powered executive, going by the sleek, expensive-looking fabric of his tie and his perfectly tailored suit. Hot Businessman wears the white collar look very well. The guy looks stressed as hell, though, which also fits with the whole successful executive thing. Probably. Stiles wouldn’t know much about ‘‘successful.’’

Hot Businessman picks up one of the new release display books, glances at the back cover, and tosses it down again. He scans the staff favorites wall with an expression like he’s considering ripping some of them in two. From the way his arms fill out his slim-fit suit-jacket, he could probably rip a phonebook in half.

“Can I help you?” Stiles asks, wandering casually over.Help you come on my face, maybe?

He gets a grunt in return.

Which, okay, that’s fine. Maybe Hot Businessman hasn’t had his coffee yet. Yes, it’s four in the afternoon, but…well. Anyway, Stiles is a professional.

“Long flight, huh?”

“And a long layover,” the man bitches, seemingly unable to help himself from making the quick complaint. Before the sentence is even out of his mouth, he cuts a glare at Stiles, as if to indicate that yes, he may have been tricked into saying actual words--but he’s mad about it.

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