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Cover by: SxmplyMoxxi
Thanks to: totaldreamsimp101 for helping me with the information about diabetes!

25 chapters!


George's POV

I was walking to Josh's house with a smile on my face. He invited me to his place to tell me something and I was more than excited. I really liked Josh a lot and I had liked him for a year now.

I ended up running because I was so excited and ran to the front door, clicking the bell to ring it. The door was opened by Josh himself and I smiled brightly, seeing him smile too.

'Hi, George. Come in.'

I nodded shyly and walked in behind him, going up to his room immediately. It didn't seem like he wanted to show me to his parents, but I left it like that. We went upstairs and he sat down on his bed, tapping the other side of his bed so I would sit down.

It was the first time I came here and I looked around me with a smile on my face. His walls were light grey and it wasn't big in here at all. He had a bed, a desk and a closet with just a few hoodies, shirts and trousers.

On his desk he had his school books and his bag stood next to his desk, just as a bin. He had a laptop laying down on his bed and grabbed it to put it away as I sat down.

'I'm glad you came here, I wanted to tell you something.'

I nodded and looked at my hands shyly. He knew I liked him since he asked me if I did a while back. He was very sweet about it and started flirting a little bit with me, inviting me over to his place today.

'So I know you like me,' he started. He smiled at me. 'And I want you to know that that's fine with me. At first I didn't know if I had feelings for you since I've never liked a boy before, but I started thinking more openly about it and I think I might actually have feelings for you.'

I smiled shyly and felt my face heat up as I looked down at my hands. 'Really?'

'Yeah, so I wanted to tell you something. I must be honest that I really like romantic boys who also can take care of me.'

I nodded slowly. I was romantic, but I wasn't that manly at all and I found it hard to live up to those gender roles. I still decided to agree. 'What are you implying?'

'I want you to ask me in a romantic way. Do you know about the school's party that's coming up? I just want to say that I would be really flustered and impressed if you ask me while the others can just see us. I want them to know I'm yours.'

'So you want me to ask you in front of everyone?'

'I mean, that would make me fall for you even more.'

'Would you want a relationship with me if I wouldn't dare to do that?'

He shrugged. 'Maybe, but I would prefer it that way. Then you have my whole heart.'

I nodded again. 'I don't know if I dare to do that. I'm a bit shy.'

'I know you're shy, but wouldn't it be great to be in a relationship with me? I know you like me and I like you too.'

'Okay, if that's how you want it to be, I'll try to get the courage to do that.'

Josh smiled. 'You're such a great guy. I know you're shy, but this will help you be a little less shy. You're gay, right?'

I nodded slowly. 'Why?'

'I was just wondering, I don't want to assume your sexuality.'

'I'm gay,' I whispered. 'And you?'

'I think I'm bisexual. I have always liked girls, but you're pretty cute.'

I smiled shyly. 'Thank you.'

'The party is in two days. Have you already bought a suit?'

'A suit?'

'Yeah, everyone's wearing a suit. It's a sort of prom, but because of the twenty year anniversary of our school.'

'I was planning on going in my sweats and hoodie,' I muttered ashamedly.

'Dude, I have a whole suit. I'm not going to say yes to a guy who is just wearing some sweatpants, that won't make me look great.'

'Okay, I will buy a suit. I don't know much about suits if I'm honest.'

'Just buy a black or a blue one.'

'What's your favourite colour?' I asked. I wanted to look as good as possible for him.

He shrugged. 'I like black, grey and blue. Probably black or grey the most.'

I nodded. 'Okay, I will buy a black suit so I'm always in the right. What colour are you wearing?'


'Okay, that's good. Then we won't have the same colour. I'm excited for the party, I'm still a little scared to do what you told me to, but I would do it for you.'

'You're amazing, even more amazing if you actually do such a thing for me. That shows me that you really care about me.'

I nodded and smiled. 'I think I have to go back home, but I will buy a suit and do what you told me to. See you at the party.'

'Okay, I'm excited. See you.'

I walked away from his room and went downstairs, looking around me for a little. I didn't have the courage to say hello to his parents so quickly walked to the front door to walk home.

I was genuinely so happy that someone liked me. I got bullied a lot because I had epilepsy. I have had a few seizures at school and since then I had always been bullied, being called the "seizure kid" or other hurtful names. I tried to not listen to them, but it was upsetting me sometimes.

Luckily my parents always helped me with my seizures. I didn't have them very often. I used to have three a day, but now I only had around three in a week. I had my bad and good days, when I was stressed because of the bullying I had more seizures.

That was why I was so extremely happy that I have someone who liked me now. I didn't want to mess it up.

1050 words

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