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Clay's POV

I was sitting in class, feeling a bit hungry. I grabbed my bag to grab one of my eggs. I was allowed to eat in class from the teacher because they knew the reason behind it.

Some people gave me a weird look. 'Why are you eating, idiot? Before you stood up for that George guy, I always thought you were kind of cool, but you're just as weird as he is.'

'You know, I'm sick of this. Just bully me instead of George, I can handle it easily.'

George looked up slowly and smiled shyly at me. I smiled back and looked at the boy who was being dumb.

'I literally don't care, okay? Just shut up now, you're disturbing the class.'

It was quiet and I just ate the rest of my egg as I listened to the teacher. The rest of the class passed by quickly and I stood up to walk away as George walked up to me. He smiled shyly and had red cheeks as he stood next to me.

'Thank you,' he muttered with a very sweet and quiet voice.

'Of course, that's no problem.'

George stood in front of me as he played with the cuffs of his hoodie. He clearly didn't know what to say, but still wanted to say something. I found it pretty cute and giggled.

'Are you okay?' I asked.

George's face was really red and he lifted his shoulders shyly. 'Uh- yes.'

'What class do you have?' I asked as I started walking to the room I had to be at. I had a gap period and I was going to just sit behind a PC to do some homework.

'PE, but I don't know if I'm going to participate. I'm not feeling great.'

'I'm sorry to hear that, what makes you feel bad?'

'I've been stressed because of everything happening and I'm very scared to get a seizure again.'

'Can you ask for a gap period instead of PE? I'm just sitting behind a PC, so feel free to sit next to me if you want.'

George smiled cutely and nodded. 'I will ask, but I most likely have to stay there to just sit and watch so I don't get excluded from the class.'

I nodded. 'Can I just tell you something? I have so much respect for you.'

'For me?' George whispered with a high pitched and shy voice.

'Yeah, asking that guy in front of everyone was so brave. I wouldn't have had the courage to do that, if I'm honest.'

'I wish I wouldn't have had the courage. Now I'm getting humiliated by everyone.'

I laid my hand down on his shoulder and made him stop walking. 'Not by me. Josh is the one who should be humiliated for what he did, you just put all your fear aside for the boy you loved and that's so much braver than Josh will ever be.'

George just smiled and looked at his feet. 'At least I'm over him.'

'You're gay, right? I don't want to assume your sexuality.'

'Are you also joking with me?' George whispered.

'No! Why?'

'Josh asked me that too.'

'Oh, I'm so sorry. I'm not joking with you. If I was I wouldn't have stood up for you in front of everyone. I just genuinely don't want to assume.'

'I'm gay, yes,' George muttered. 'I'm sorry for being gay.'

'Hey, don't say sorry. Why would you have to say sorry for that?'

'I don't want to bother people with my sexuality. I shouldn't make you awkward.'

'You're not bothering me with your sexuality, I'm the least homophobic person you'll meet.'

'Thank you.'

I saw George wanted to ask me something, but he seemed too shy to.

'What do you want to ask?'

'Uh- your sexuality.'

I shrugged. 'For as far as I know I'm straight, since I've never liked a guy. Though, I'm not against the idea of being together with a guy if I ever end up liking one. I just haven't before.'

George nodded. 'Okay, I didn't want to assume either,' he muttered. 'I uh- think I have to go to uh- PE. Thank you for b-being nice to me.'

'Of course,' I said with a smile. 'I'm just behind the PC, be free to sit next to me if you're allowed to leave PE.'

'Okay,' George said as he quickly walked off with red cheeks.

I smiled as I saw him walk away, finding it pretty cute that he was this shy. I sat down in the library behind a PC and went to Google. I wanted to look up more information about epilepsy so I would be able to help George during a seizure.

I visited multiple websites to look up information. After that, I watched multiple videos on YouTube about how to help someone who was having a seizure and read a lot of tips.

I smiled. Now I was able to help George when he would get a seizure. I went to the group chat of our class and looked up George's number, opening our chat.

We never texted before, but I still decided to now.

hi george! I looked up information about epilepsy and if you ever feel a seizure coming up, text me with your location. I can help you and be there with you :)

thank you :) I wasn't allowed to leave PE so im just sitting here

are you feeling okay?

im okay for now

text me when you need to

thank you a lot :)

I smiled and put my phone away as I looked up some more things, doing my homework after. Once my gap period was over, I went to the rest of my classes, injected my insulin before lunch and then went back home once school was over.

I immediately went to my room to avoid any arguments after I grabbed some heathy snacks to eat. I was happy that I talked to George, I hoped he was doing okay after everyone had been humiliating him like this.

1018 words

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