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George's POV

Clay and I both went back to school a week later. I had been doing a bit better, I did have two seizures, but not too bad ones. Clay was doing okay now my parents took care of him and always reminded him of his insulin. They helped him count his carbs and his blood sugar had only risen twice and dropped once, but not too serious.

Clay and I were walking to school together, both being pretty nervous. I didn't want to get bullied again and Clay was also scared after what happened.

After a twenty minute walk, we sat down outside before we went into the school so both of us could calm down a little. Clay pricked his finger to test his blood sugar and started eating an egg.

Clay smiled at me and wrapped his arm around my shoulders, pulling me closer to him as he ate the last bite of his egg. He drank some water and chewed on a mint chewing gum after that.

'George,' he muttered. 'I always get so happy when I'm with you. These last few days were great and I just hope you want me to stay a bit longer at your place.'

'Of course I want you to. I'm not sending you back to those other assholes who almost caused your death.'

Clay nodded slowly and smiled at me. 'I find you really beautiful,' he whispered, having his cheeks heat up as he looked away. 'You know, I'm going to be honest.'

I nodded and looked at him.

'I still think about our kiss every day. I know it was kind of meant to be an experimental kiss, but I liked it way more than I expected myself to. It's just weird, but I can't stop thinking about it. I'm just curious how it would be out of love and not just because of a dumb joke.'

I blushed and looked at my hands. 'Same,' I whispered.

Clay put his chewing gum away in a napkin from his bag and looked at me. 'Can we do that again?'

'Yes,' I whispered, feeling my heart flutter now he was this close to me.

Clay scooted closer to me and cupped my face as he smiled at me. 'You're so beautiful.'

I got so shy that my whole face turned red and Clay leaned in, pressing his soft lips on mine. My stomach filled up with butterflies and my heart skipped a beat as I could still taste mint on his lips.

His hand went down to my arm, grabbing my hand as the thumb from his other hand gently stroked my cheek. I lifted my hand to Clay's neck and wrapped my arms around his shoulders.

Since we were sitting next to each other, Clay lifted my legs up on the bench we were sitting on and gently pushed me down, leaning his chest on mine whilst kissing me.

I ran out of breath and stopped kissing him back, causing Clay to realise I needed air. He broke the kiss and smiled at me with dark red cheeks.

'You're such a great kisser,' Clay muttered. 'I love it so much.'

I giggled shyly. 'I'm just doing whatever, I've never kissed someone before.'

'Me neither, but I love it now.'

I smiled and lifted my hands to hide my face behind my sleeves.

'We should go inside before the bell rings and we're too late in class. We have biology together so we can show him our progress with the project.'

I nodded and stood up with Clay, walking inside of the school. We went to our biology class together and sat down on our chairs next to each other.

'I've done a bit more yesterday,' I said with a smile. 'I've come up with a few questions we can do research on per subject.'

'Oh, really? Show me,' Clay said as he leaned over to me and looked in my notebook. He read the things I wrote down and nodded. 'That sounds great, those are good questions.'

TW bullying

I smiled and stood up to show them to the teacher. As soon as we stood up, we heard the whole class giggle. I turned around awkwardly and a lot of people were holding their phones whilst laughing.

'What?' Clay shouted at everyone laughing. 'Can you just shut up?'

'Just check your phone, dumbass.'

I grabbed my phone and saw I was spammed with messages in our group's chat. I clicked on it as my heart started beating faster because of the nerves.

I opened the chat and saw two videos in the chat. I clicked on the first one, seeing Clay lay down on the bench while shaking badly. I immediately clicked off and tapped the other video, seeing Clay and me kiss outside on the bench.

Clay breathed out with a shaky breath and turned around. 'Why would you ever film me having a seizure and us kissing? I've said that I'm open about my sexuality and I don't care about that, but I don't want George to be involved in this bullshit.'

'You're totally not open about your sexuality, because you've kissed him in secret.'

'What do you want me to do? Kiss him in front of everyone, just to get beaten up? Why do you care so much?' Clay yelled. 'And me having a seizure? Is that how low you want to go? I could have died and you would have filmed it, do you realise that?'

The teacher stood up now and walked to the class. 'Everyone, but Clay and George, give me your phone. The person who filmed those videos is going to delete them right now. You'll be sent to the principal and get expelled if you don't listen to what I'm saying, so own up for what you've done.'

It was quiet.

'If you're so cool to record it, you can also easily be the bigger man and tell us what and why you did this.'

Someone slowly raised his hand. 'I did,' he muttered. 'It wasn't that smart of me, but them kissing is just gross and their fault.'

'To the principal, NOW,' the teacher yelled as he grabbed his arm.

1039 words

Birch trees filmed Clay having a seizure and them kissing and the teacher goes maaaadd (positive mad tho.)

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