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Clay's POV

George called his mother and I sat next to him, looking at him from the corner of my eyes. I never had feelings for boys, but George was really handsome. When I thought about a relationship with a guy, I really didn't dislike the idea. I just didn't have any experience with boys, but I was really open minded to the idea.

I thought about when I kissed George's cheek in class and smiled shyly. I kind of liked kissing his cheek, which probably did make me something else than straight.

'I have a question,' I said as I looked up at George.

George nodded, I could see he was really tired.

'How did you figure out that you're gay?'

George shrugged. 'I fell in love with J- you know, that idiot. Maybe I was attracted to some boys before that too, I can't really remember.'

I nodded slowly and sat back, not knowing what to say. George noticed and smiled. 'Are you questioning?'

I sighed softly and nodded my head. 'I just don't really know, I'm really not against the idea of being together with a boy. I've just never loved one that way.'

'Have you ever liked a girl?'

I shrugged. 'Yes and no, I liked them, but I don't think I loved them.'

'Are you attracted to them?'

'Yeah, I guess so.'

'And to boys?'

'I really don't know. I do like how some of them look and I just wouldn't mind a relationship with them or, I don't know, hug or kiss.'

'That's a romantic attraction. So you're definitely attracted to boys in some way.'

'I don't think I'm gay though.'

'Bisexual, pansexual, omnisexual. I have more if you want.'

'I don't want to sound rude, but I don't think I'm attracted to all genders if I'm honest.'

'That's bisexuality if you like boys and girls, but not necessarily all genders.'

I nodded slowly. 'Maybe I'm bisexual then. I just don't know, but please don't tell my parents if you ever see them.'

'I'm not outing you, don't worry,' George said with a smile.

'Do your parents know you're gay?'

'No,' he muttered. 'I want to keep it that way for a little too. I have a good bond with them, but I just don't dare to tell them I like boys.'

'I won't tell them anything, I'm glad that I know now so I don't accidentally out you.'

George nodded and pointed in front of him. 'My mother is here.'

His mother stopped driving and stepped out of the car as she walked to me to shake my hand. 'Hi! I'm George's mother.'

'I'm Clay,' I said shyly, shaking her hand.

'How did you meet? I've never seen you before.'

'He's in my class and we are doing a project together. And he helped me with my seizure.'

'I'm so glad someone helps him, I know it might be scary to see him suffer from a seizure.'

I nodded. 'It's a bit scary to see, but I educated myself so I know what to do.'

'Do you want to have dinner with us?' George's mother asked me. 'I'm going to the store right after I bring you home, George's dad has to leave early for work.'

'So uh-,' I muttered. 'Eating is a little bit difficult for me.'

'Oh, I'm so sorry! Do you have an eating disorder? Actually, I shouldn't ask! I'm sorry.'

'No- I uh- I have diabetes.'

'I'm sorry to hear that, I can prepare whatever you want me to.'

'I told George that I really like low carbs salads, but that might be too difficult to prepare when your husband has to leave early.'

'No, don't worry. I have time to prepare it. What would you like in the salad?' she asked as we walked to the car.

I sat down in the back next to George and listed a few things I knew the carbs of. She nodded and I wrote it down twice, once for her to take with her to the store and once for myself so I could calculate the carbs.

We went home and as soon as I arrived at George's place, his mother left to get the stuff for the salad.

'What time do you think we are going to eat?'

'I think around half past five.'

'Okay, I'll eat a snack then. I'll firstly have to inject some insulin.'

I grabbed my small bag with almonds and looked at the amounts of carbs. 'That's half a unit,' I muttered to myself. 'Are you okay with me injecting it or do you want me to walk away?'

'No, go ahead,' George said.

I smiled, grabbed my injection and injected the insulin I needed. 'Now I need to check my blood sugar.'

George nodded and sat down on the couch as I pricked my finger, waited for a bit until everything was done and looked at the result.

'Is it okay?' George asked.

'On the low side, but it's fine,' I said, looking at the 4,1 in front of me. 'Now I have to wait for a little before I can start eating.'

George smiled and tapped the couch. 'Sit down if you want. Do you want a drink?'

'It's fine, I have water in my bag,' I answered as I sat down next to him.

'Is it okay if I grab a snack myself or is that too mean to do in front of you?'

'No, that's not too mean at all. I want you to treat me just like others, you can eat whatever and whenever you want to.'

'Okay,' George said as he stood up to grab himself a biscuit with a drink.

I waited another fifteen minutes while talking to George and then started eating my almonds as George was talking about the project.

'I can do a lot of research on diabetes too,' George said with a smile. 'I want to understand it and know what I can do to help.'

'Thank you,' I said shyly. It made me kind of flustered to have someone be this sweet to me. It caused me to blush and I looked away as fast as possible to not make it too obvious that I was red.

1038 words

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