Chapter - 4

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It's been a few months since Jahan went back to Malaysia, but our last moment together is still green in my memory.

It was around but we were at the airport.

Jahan and I stood under the privacy of a pillar a little afar from the mob.

Giving me a surprise he placed a ring on my finger and coming a little close, he whispered, "This is my first gift to you as a sign of remembrance. Please, take good care of yourself in my absence."

"Allah Hafiz!" - saying this he walked away when I was still pondering over his words.

I clearly remember his back showed well in the lights.

As he turned to me to wave his final goodbye, the last image of his face was attractively unhappy.

"Ma Sha Allah, Allahumma Barik Laha" - my hubby looks so handsome even in his sad face, haha!

I know what are you all thinking. Aren't you thinking that this girl's husband has gone overseas and she is laughing?

Granny has the same accusation on me. She always nags me asking "Doesn't your heart cries for your hubby? Aren't you upset at all?"

I also told her clearly that why should I be upset when daily we chat on phone?

Yes, you know, he texts me every half an hour. He also calls me whenever he is available.

Oh yes, he doesn't say much about him unless I insist him to say but he always wants to know everything about me.

What I like, what I dislike, what I did all day, what I ate, what I wore, where I went, when I woke up, when I went to sleep, why I feel bad, why I smile, why I cough, what I think, things that I am afraid of or allergic to, what I dreamed of, what I don't dare to say, what kind of future do I expect, how many kids do I want, how we would raise them and blah blah!

Sometimes I laugh remembering that we haven't made love with each other yet and my hubby is thinking about the future of our baby.

And sometimes he makes me feel as if I'm a celebrity and he is my biggest fan who is even eager to know about my nightmares.

Well, I think that's a good thing. A real man should be like this.

Instead of fantasizing about non-mahram models and celebrities, they should be curious about their halal wives.

And I think it's a thousand times better to look at the picture of your less beautiful/handsome or ugly spouses than looking at non-mahram even though they are sexy as hell because gazing at non-mahram obtain us sins, causes temptations in the heart and opens the door of evils in our life.

But when we look at our spouses, our love increases for them and this opens the door of goodness in our life.

Trust me, when I am saying this because I have found myself drooling over my husband.

Hiding under the throw, I zoom in on my hubby's photos and smile from within (◠‿◕)

Jahan always sends me his photos and photos of the food he eats or the places he visits.

I also send him pictures of the foods that I am learning to cook for him and he replies to me with heart and kissing emojis. He is very cute.

It feels as if we aren't husband and wife but girlfriend and boyfriend.

This is a different matter that we haven't gone on a date nor hold each other's hand and walked on the beach under the moonlight night.

But one thing that I have realized after marriage is that it is better to get married early and fall in love with your husband than to delay marriage under the pretext of studies and career and being in a relationship with random boys and satisfying your desires here and there out of wedlock.

Honestly, getting involved in an illicit (haram) relationship means you are heading towards a dark future and you will bring shame to your family whereas if you get married early instead, then you will watch that your life is amazingly glowing in the arms of your loved one and your future is as bright as the moon in the sky.

Readers, do you agree with Emaan?

Oh yes, you know, what happened?

Zara told me that one day when Jahan came home tired from work, he asked Zara to put his phone on charge.

Zara called me and said "Bhabi, what spell did you cast on my brother?"

I was shocked.

I screamed "Spell? Ya Rabbi, I swear I never went to sorcerers. I didn't even see "Harry Potter" movie because of magic. I know it's haram."

"Oh my! My naive bhabi, I am not asking about black magic. I am asking about the magic of love. The love spell that you have cast on my brother. I can see he is going crazy in your love." - Zara teased me while giggling.

Although Zara could not see my face, but I still hid myself in shyness.

Then I cleared my throat, and asked Zara, "Why? What did he do?"

Zara exclaimed "He is using your wedding photo as his wallpaper. He stares at his phone and smiles to himself like he has got possessed by Jinn.”

“Mom and dad also noticed him smiling alone his room, on the sofa, on balcony and when they found out the reason behind Jahan bhai's smile, they asked him to bring you here as soon as possible.”

“Bhabi, I also miss you very much like Jahan bhai. Please come to us soon.”

"I will come soon, Zaha, In sha Allah. It's only a matter of two more months!”

- To be continued -
      In sha Allah

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