Chapter 17

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It's been 1 month since Rachel was kidnapped! I'm worried about the baby and about her.

She would be 7 months pregnant we also had a appointment but I had to cancel it.

It is now September and it's always cold. Most days I just look at all the fall colors.

I got a new job but I told them what happened so they let me take time off.

I got a phone call which is really weird because I told EVERYONE not to call me and they understood.


It's Been a month since I was kidnapped. I'm worried about Mathew because I barely eat and get abused/raped everyday.

Sophia on the other hand just watches and stares like I know I'm hot but seriously I need privacy.

They all left for a vacation yay!
They also undid my hand cuffs so I can move. What sucks is they come back in 2 days.

I was walking around when I saw a phone on the table! I could fit my arm through the bars and call the police or Finn!

I grabbed the phone wow stupid people leaving a phone out. I called Finn and he answered angrily.

F: Hello!
R: Finn!
F: Rachel.

R: You have to get me I'm in a house on (random street name) and the house is blue.

F: Okay I love let me get the police and I will make sure to come and get you.
R: I love you too bye!



Did Finn forget me? He hasn't come yet! I was snapped out of my thoughts when the door opened!


Nope it's Jesse,Brody, and Sophia.

B: Well hello I see your ready for your beating.
J: No I think we should go right to sex I haven't had it with her in 2 days!

Jesse starts taking off my clothes when I hear a gunshot from Sophia.

I hear another gun shot and Sophia falls to the ground and dies! What the hell is happening.

I see Brody get up and shoots somebody but they shoot him after and kill him!

Jesse on the other hand is continuing what he is doing until I hear a familiar voice.


F: Get off of my wife!
J: Oh my god.
P(police): You are under arrest, anything you say will be pressed against you in court.

R: *crying*
F: Rachel.
R: Finn!

Pr(paramedics): We have to take her now!
F: Can I come?
Pr: Are you family?
F: I'm her husband.
Pr: Let's go.



We are at the hospital and everyone is here in the waiting room but I'm with Rachel.

Right now we are checking the baby and waiting to see if the baby Is ok.

D: Ok from the lack of food your baby is un-healthy, however if you eat more then the baby will be fine you are lucky though it's not serious.

F: Thank you doctor.
R: Thank you.
D: *leaves*

F: I'm getting you food.
R: Thank you I'm starving.
F: *leaves*


F: I have food!
R: Yay!
F: Haha food.
R: Umm ok? Why do it take you so long to get me?

F: It's the polices fault I didn't want to come alone so I brought the police but it took 2 days of convincing to get them to come.

R: *done eating*
F: Get some rest.
R: Okay good night.

F: I love you.
R: I love you more!
F: If you say so. *kisses her*
R: *kisses back*

The first time I saw you-FINCHELWhere stories live. Discover now