Chapter Four: How did you not ask for his name?!

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"What do you mean? He's totally a hottie!" 

"How can you tell?" Katsuki glances back at the man. He looked pretty tall by the way his knees were touching the table as he sat back in his chair. His black hair that wasn't covered by the hat he was wearing was spiky like his but it looked rougher. His clothes were kinda to his liking. His deep white v-neck went well with his black open jacket and his black pants. 

But his moneymaker was covered. He had black sunglasses over his eyes and a black mask on his face.

"You can't even see his face. How can you tell he's cute? for all we know he could be ugly as hell." "Katsuki, I know these things. You need to trust me on this. You only ever looked at who shall not be named. I can tell." "Hey, I looked at Enji plenty. Who wouldn't?! With his tall figure." "His fiery eyes." "His stubble." "His titties." "His ass." "Guys! That's my fucking dad!" The two of them jumped as Shoto yelled at them. "Do you guys do that even when I'm not here?!" They both looked at each other before smiling. "No." "Liars!"

Inasa just sighed as he watched them all fought. He put down Camie's food and just started on his own. "Come on guys. We don't want to get kicked out." Katsuki thanked Shoto as he gave him his food.

They ate and talked for a while about things as the mall started to thin out. "Why is everyone leaving?" Inasa asked motioning to the people. "They probably realized that Thirteen wasn't really coming." "Thirteen? What's she have to do with this?" Shoto asked. "Allegedly, she was going to be here." "To be honest she might have come here already. You know no ones has seen her face. I wouldn't be surprised if she tweeted about it." Camie said laughing.

"I'm gonna head to the bathroom. Don't eat my fucking food." "Why would we want to burn out tounges off?" Shoto laughed as Katsuki flicked him off.

Katsuki finished going to the bathroom and stared into the mirror. He ran his fingers under his eyes where he would normally have eye bags under them, but those have gone away. He looked a lot better than he did last month. He smiled to himself. Was this what he was missing while he was too tired out from always staying up just to see if he would come home that night? His sleep schedule was fixed after so long and he was happy.

He walked out of the bathroom with his phone in hand. He wasn't going to lie. He was a little curious about what he had been doing since they broke up. He was about to look up his handle on Twitter before he felt someone touch his shoulder. "Hey." Katsuki's eyes traveled up towards the man's. He was tall. He was the guy that he and Camie were talking about.  "I couldn't help but notice you and your blond friend were looking over at my group." His voice was deep. Katsuki couldn't help the slight blush that covered his face. "Oh, um...sorry about that! My friend thought you looked cute so..." Katsuki trailed off. The man laughed.

It was pretty fucking sexy too.

"That's okay. But, do you like I'm 'cute'" Katsuki was caught off by the question, but he nervously laughed. "I would suppose. I mean...I can't really see your face." He rubbed the back of his neck while the other smiled under his mask. "Would you like to?" The blond didn't register that he nodded before the man bent down and pulled his mask and glasses off. He was caught off guard by the scars that he had on his face. The man quickly pulled his mask back up but kept his glasses off. "So, do you still think I'm cute?" "Y-yes! Very handsome!" Katsuki's eyes widened and he covered his mouth after he said that. The other's eyes widened before they softened and he laughed.

"You really think so? I would have suspected you would have been grossed out about my scars. My quirk works like that." "I think you look pretty cool with those scars," Katsuki said behind his hands. He felt his face burning up. What's happening to him? He's never felt like this before. 

"You're pretty cute." The raven-haired man said. He felt his ears burning as the man chuckled.

"Hey, we're leaving." The two of them looked back at the group of three that stood behind him. On was a girl, the size of Katsuki. Her hair was to the middle of her back. The other was a blond guy that held her close to him. They were either dating or just way too close of siblings. The last was a guy with some type of blue bleached hair. They were surprised to see him talking to Katsuki. "I'll be a sec."

"Meet us outside. And don't do anything stupid." The guy with crusty skin said before leaning the others out. "Sorry about them. I would like to talk more. can we exchange numbers?" Blond nodded giving him his phone and him taking his. He saved his number as 'Katsuki' and handed back his phone.

"I'll text you some time, Katsuki." The blond nodded as the other walked away. He looked at his phone and the blush that went away soon came back with full force when he read what that guy put for his name. "Daddy<3." He immediately changed it to "Mall guy."

He made his way back to the food court and sat with his friends. "What happened to you? You fall in?" Shoto joked making Katsuki roll his eyes. "You know for that. I'm not going to tell you what just happened to me." Shoto's eyes widened for a second. "You wouldn't." "I would." "Okay fine. Sorry. What happened?"

"I may or may not have gotten someone's number." Camie choked on her drink and pulled Katsuki to her chest. "You got someone's number...without me?" "It's not my fault! He walked up to me when I got out of the bathroom. You just won't expect who it was though." "Is it someone we know?" Inasa asked cleaning up after Camie. "Not personally. Camie and I only just saw him today." Camie thought for a second before gasping. "You mean that tall, dark, and bruting guy?" "More like tall, dark, and fucking sexy."

"I told you he was hot. I can sense these things." "What the hell when did you see this guy?" Shoto asked confused. "When we came to sit here. Camie spotted him a few tables away." "Oh god." Shoto sighed.

"So, did you get his name?" Katsuki froze for a second. He didn't get his name. How can he be so stupid! He groaned and put his head on the table. Camie started laughing so hard she started crying. "How did you not ask for his name?!" "I don't know! I've never done this before!"

"Hey, since the place is pretty much empty compared to early let's go get the clothes," Inasa said holding back a laugh. They got up and started towards one of the stores. "We're not dropping this." "I know."

HA! I pushed myself to make another chapter! I just remember too. On my break, I got a huge idea for a book. One where Kirishima is the bad guy! Hehehe. We still love him though, just not in that book. But I don't wanna post it yet because I have 6 works and 9 reading lists (Which you guys should totally check out the recommending ones because those are amazing) and you know 69. Hahaha, funny number.

Oh and Bakugou's Lover is almost at 1k reads! Yay! I didn't really think a lot of people would read it. But I'm happy they did. And thank you for 300 reads on this book! Like 20 votes?!?! That's crazy! Anyways I hope you enjoyed the chapter.

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