Todobaku Christmas Special!

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A/N: I wanted to at least do something for Christmas. So it's a short chapter fluff and a little bit of angst. Merry Christmas. It's not DabiBaku. It's more TodoBaku than anything. The song has nothing to do with this.

"I'm glad we're going to be able to spend Christmas together." The taller smiled. His hand brushed up and down the blond's side. In return, he was graced with a kiss to his chin. "Me too."

It was a cold night. They were sitting on their couch interlaced with each other. Smiling and giggling about things only they will ever know about. "I love you Katsuki." The blond rested his head on his bare chest.

"I love you too, Izuku."


He opened his eyes. He was cold. His hand searched for the blanket that they wrapped themselves in last night to find it gone. And Izuku along with it.

He sat up and walked to their room. He just has just gotten uncomfortable and went to bed, right? He didn't leave again. Right?

He wouldn't lie again. They had promised each other. He couldn't have. No.

He opened the door to find a cold empty room. Nothing was moved so he knows no one had been in there. He walked back into the living room. He stared at the lit Christmas tree.  They had picked out the tree together a few days prior. Katsuki had laughed when the tree had fallen on the other at the store.

Katsuki sat in silence for a really long time. He hated it. He just wanted to spend time with his boyfriend. Was that too much to ask? He should be used to this but it still hurt.


He looked over to their coffee table and picked up this phone. It was almost 5 pm.


He picked it up and held it to his ear.  "Merry Christmas!" Three voices could be heard. "Hey, Kats. We just wanted to wish you and your loser of a boyfriend merry Christmas and we got a surprise!" He smiled at Camie's voice. "So, unlock your door." He hummed into the phone before ending the call. He went into his room to grab sweat pants and a t-shirt, wiping his face in the process. We went to the door and opened it.

His three best friends stood at the door...wearing ridiculous costumes. Camie was Santa, Inasa was Miss Claus, and Shoto was a reindeer. The three smiled at him. "We got you a costume too!" The blond just laughed at them. "You guys look so stupid!" "Hey! That's so mean. You're going on the naughty list."

Shoto passed a bag over to him, "Go put that on. We'll make ourselves home on your couch." They walked in leaving Kats scoffing at the door. "Sure, you do that."

He walked into the bathroom and took a shower.

He held the costume up and laughed. They couldn't be serious. It was some slutty one-piece reindeer costume with a brown skirt in the box that met at this mid-thigh.

He walked out and did a sexy pose. He received a lot of whistles. more than just three people could make. He noticed the four more people in his living room. "Bakubro, you look good!" He smiled at his friends. Mina jumped up and gave him a big hug. Her hands lead down to somewhere that they shouldn't. "Mina, it's Christmas." She laughed and gave him a wink. Returning to her seat next to Kiri. 

Denki and Sero were giving him a thumbs up. "Looking really good Katsuki." "My eyes are up here pervert." Sero rose his hands in defeat. Denki hits him lightly on the shoulder laughing.

Katsuki noticed they were wearing costumes too. They were wearing elf costumes. "We going to a costume party or something?" "Yeah, I 'suggested' a costume party to my father and he said yeah. It's going to be a lot of our friends and a few of father's colleagues."

"Then what are we waiting for."


The party was fun. It's pretty kid-friendly because some hero's brought their kids. But Kats wasn't complaining. He got to see Eri. The small girl ran up to his leg hugging him. "Katsuki!" He picked her up and sat her on his hip. "Come Eri, we are raiding the snake table." She nodded and smiled.

She got pretty hyper after that. Mr. Hizashi, his old teacher came over to introduce his husband and son. Mr. Aizawa looked pretty tired but the blond just said he always looked like that. Shinso was a nice guy. He liked him. He hung around them for a few minutes before being called over by someone else. Around 10 pm. Most of the grown-ups left because Mr. Todoroki had planned a dinner party for him at Shoto's request.

When they walked out the party really got started. The people that wore ugly sweaters took them off to reveal what they really wore to the party. You would have thought this was a club from the people dancing on each other. Denki smiled as he poured some liquor into the punch bowls.

Camie and Inasa drunk out of their minds were holding mistletoe over strangers' heads leading them to kiss. Kiri and Mina were making out in the corner, they looked disgustingly close to just fucking then and there. Denki and Sero were drunk and having a big debate about god know what.

While Katsuki and Shoto were dancing on each other. If you didn't know them you would have thought they were dating with how much grinding they were doing on each other. They had a little too much liquor straight from the bottle. They were laughing at each other as Shoto twerked on the other.

The Katsuki spotted their victim of the night. He was standing in the corner of the drunk and by himself. He had been eyeing the duo, Katsuki thinks he was too busy giving Shoto a lap dance.

"Let's go mess with Shinso." Katsuki slurred. He grabbed Shoto's hand and walked over to the purple-haired man. "Shinso~ Come dance with us?" The taller smirked. "Okay."

They dragged him to the dance floor and did what they had been doing for the past half an hour, but on Shinso. The whole night was a big success. They had a great time. Katsuki sobered enough to help people who didn't have a safe ride home get an uber. Some people who didn't drink helped clean up. And they wished them a merry Christmas. It took 30 minutes for the place to be cleared out.

Camie and Inasa fell asleep when they realized it was time to clean up.

Katsuki and Shoto were sitting on the couch laying on each other. They didn't say anything to each other they just relished in the silence.


When was the last time you saw Midoriya?"

Katsuki sighed. "Christmas Eve. We were sleeping on the couch and I woke up and he was gone." Shoto hummed. "Dick move. If I was your boyfriend I wouldn't let you leave the bed." Katsuki laughed. He buried his head in the other's chest and lightly punched him in the side. He always had a way to make Katsuki smile.

"Has he texted you?" "He sent me a merry Christmas text a couple of hours ago." Shoto was running his fingers up and down Katsuki's back in a comforting way. "I don't get how he never has any time for me. Iida makes time for Uraraka and he's the number 2 hero. I don't get it. Is it just a top hero thing? What if he's cheating on me? What if he doesn't love me anymore?" 

"Katsuki. You are my best friend. Someone who I wouldn't trade for the world. If he is doing any of those things to do just know me and everyone that knows you will beat the fuck out of him. You are perfect. No one could ever stop loving you." The blond felt tears run down his face. He was so lucky to have someone like Shoto in his life. Even if he didn't spend this Christmas with his boyfriend, this has to be the best Christmas ever.

"I love you, Katsuki." The blond rested his eyes and head on Shoto's chest.

"I love you too, Shoto."

Fun fact: Todoroki did have a crush on Bakugou at some point in their friendship but didn't want to ruin Mido and Baku's relationship so he slowly made himself fall out of love. And now he's perfectly fine just being Bakugou's best friend...maybe.

Merry Christmas! I hope everyone has a Merry Christmas. I don't know when the next time I do I chapter so happy new years too! I will post though it's just taking me a long time.

Hope you enjoyed the chapter. :]

1357 Words

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