Chapter Eight: A villain?

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Since that first date, which was a success to both parties, they went on multiple more.

Dinners at that one restaurant in Kamino that Katsuki can't remember the name of. He's met most of Dabi's friends too. He finds Twice the interesting though. Katsuki also learns a little about this past. That he ran away from home since his dad tried forcing him to be a hero. Katsuki didn't ask any questions when he told him that but he does wonder.

Dabi met Katsuki's friends too. He did keep somewhat distance from Shoto. He was suspicious of Inasa. But that went away pretty quickly after he saw the way he looked at the girl, that reminded him so much of Toga, Camie.

Katsuki remembered when Camie took them to a roller-skating rink. He and Camie were being the matchmakers they were born to be and gave Mina a call so She, Kiri, and, Kami would come. They all met up at the rink that Shoto had happily rented out for us. Best rich friend ever.

Mina and Kiri were dominating the floor. They were doing spins and twirls and shit. Mostly because Mina used to be a Dance major. She dances like there is no tomorrow. Most likely forcing Kiri into too. But hey, he isn't complaining. Camie and Inasa were trying to push each other down while singing the song that was playing. Which happened to be Me, Myself & I.

Shoto and Kami were awkwardly talking in the corner of the rink skating around each other. Sometimes their hands would brush up against each other and they would look at each other before pulling away. It was cute but painful to watch. Not as painful as the two idiots on the floor laughing at each other.

All while Katsuki and Dabi were in the middle of the rink. Katsuki holding Dabi's hands telling him to keep watching him as he led him forward. This was his first time skating so Katsuki decided to teach him. Dabi didn't want to make a fool of himself in front of all his friends so he tried his best at keeping balance and listening to everything his boyfr-... Katsuki said.

Dabi wanted to ask Katsuki to be his boyfriend but he kept chickening out last minute. He planned on doing it today. He needed to do it today. He can't keep wasting time.

Dabi got distracted and tripped over himself, bring Katsuki down with him. Dabi placed his arm under the blond's head before it made contact with the floor. When Dabi opened his eyes he realized how close he was with the blond but couldn't bring himself to pull away.

"...are you okay?" The blond was looking up to the other and slowly nodded. Dabi couldn't stop the small smile that filled this face under the mask. Katsuki couldn't see the smile but it showed in his eyes so he smiled back. Dabi's eyes trailed down to the blond's lips. Even in the dim lighting, he would make out the pink tint they had. He wanted to kiss the blond's plump lips. He wanted to so badly.

They've never kissed before. Dabi didn't want to take something that wasn't up for grabs so he let the blond initiate all of their more intimate actions. Dabi would be happy that the blond would leave him with the reminisces of a kiss. And if he was lucky he would feel the blond tug on his jacket and kiss him on the cheek.

Dabi felt tugging on his mask and looked back up to his eyes. His face was red and it led up to his ears.

"Katsuki?" "" "Do you wanna be my boyfriend?"

Katsuki smiled and nodded. He pulled Dabi's mask all the way off and kissed him. It was short but well worth the wait. Dabi smiled as he pulled away. Katsuki brought a hand up to cup Dabi's face when there was a flash.

"Aw, So cute! Bakubae! You're hand got in the way!" Dabi pulled his mask back up and stood up holding a hand out for Katsuki. He gladly took it. "You guys are so cute!" Camie over and shook the blond.

Katsuki just smiled and laughed.


That was two weeks ago. They kiss a lot more now. Dabi starting a lot of them which Katsuki enjoyed. They went on many dates since then too. Almost every two days. It was the weekend when Dabi asked if the blond wanted to go for a walk with him.

Of course, the blond agreed and met up with him near the park. They took short steps as they passed people on the street. Dabi stayed close to the other as there were more people. The blond took his hand in his and smiled.

He's happy. He really is. They both were.

But that was before someone put a hand on Katsuki's shoulder.

"Kacchan?" The blond turned to the other, brushing his hand off his shoulder. "I've been trying to get into contact with you but no one would tell me what was going on or how you were doing. What are you doing out here anyway? Are you--?" The hero's eye went to his hand that was being held by another person. His eyes trailed up to the other who was desperately trying to look unsuspicious.

"Who's this?" "It's none of your business." "Of course it's my business." He took a step closer to the man. His eyes trailed up and down his face. He seems so familiar. "Kacchan, who is he to you?" "Like I said it's none of your business." "Well, I'm making it my business!" Deku took a step closer to the two causing Dabi to move in front of Katsuki.

Did he think I was going to hit my Kacchan?

"I'm not going to hit him." "I don't know that." The ravenette finally spoke. Deku used his quirk to grab Katsuki and pulled him away from the villain. "What the hell, Deku!?" "Just shut up and get out of here!" He pushed the blond back using a small percentage of his power causing him to crash into some other people. They all watched as they fought. They watched as green lightning and blue fire filled the sky.

But it all stopped when smoke filled the street and everyone was quiet. As the smoke cleared, Deku took there looking back and forth. Dabi had gotten away. "...shit." He looked back at all the crowd of fans and people cheering for him. He didn't see Katsuki. 'Where is he?' Deku thought as he scanned the crowd again. Out the corner of his eye, he saw a blond flash running into an ally. He waved to the onlookers and jumped onto a building.

He ran until he got to the building he saw the blond run behind. He looked down to see him behind a couple of trash cans. "Kacchan?" The blond looked up and saw the other. "He buried his head into this arm, "Go away, you damn Deku!" The greenette jumped down landing in front of the other.

"You know I can't do that." He crouched down to the shorter's height. "Kacchan, why don't we go home. We can just forget that all this happened and we can go back to how-." "I don't wanna go back!" Katsuki yelled, pushing Deku's hands away from him. "I don't wanna go back. Just leave me alone."

"I love you too much to leave you alone." "Well, I don' you," Katsuki muttered. "But you did and I'll make sure you love me again." Katsuki didn't say anything for a retort. At least let me take you home."

"No, I can make it home by myself." Katsuki pushed himself off the floor and started out of the ally. He walked on wobbly legs and almost fell twice. His eyes were still blurry with tears and making it harder to see what was in front of him. He felt himself being picked up. "Come on, Kacchan." The blond didn't even resist. He was so mentally tired.

'I'm dating a villain.'

Bro this book got 1.67k reads! That's awesome! And please keep commenting, I love reading them and seeing how people react to my writing.

Hello! It's nice to see you guys again! I've been going back into a lot of fandoms recently so I haven't really been active.

I am currently sick right now too. At the worst time, I might add. I missed a really important test, a pep rally, and as of typing this homecoming. Yay. 20 bucks wasted.

Hope you enjoyed the chapter!

1337 Words

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