Chapter Nine: A ring?

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After a week of no communication, a letter is taped outside of Katsuki's window.

Katsuki was alone for the first time all week.

"Katsuki!" Shoto run to the hero who was carrying his friend. The three had seen what had happened on Tv and Twitter. "What the hell happened?!" He yelled trying to take Kats away from Midoriya but the other quickly turned and glared at the shorter. "I came to get Kat's stuff since he's moving back with me."

"What!? No, he's not!" Camie said, stepping in front of Shoto who was ready to beat the man down. Sure, he didn't have a quirk but his father made him take self-defense classes and boy is he about to abuse those. "Yes, he is. We feel like it's better if he's under my protection."

"Don't put fucking words in my mouth, Deku." The greenette jumped hearing the sudden voice. "K-kacchan! Y-you know what I mean. They are all quirkless they can't protect you like I can." "Hey, you damn 'pro hero' we can do plenty right here. Don't fuck will us." Inasa said stepping up to him.

Inasa isn't one to get into fights often. Despite his big build and hands that could break your neck, he was just a lovable puppy. Only a few things would break that lovable puppy aura that he gave off. One was people who look down on quirkless people. Katsuki pushed the scared hand off his arm and walked inside the apartment. Shoto quickly following after giving a glare at the outsider. "Don't come back around here," Camie finished rushing in after the two.

Inasa just glared saying, "You fucked up, Mister pro hero," before slamming their door in Midoriya's face, leaving him regretful and angry. He hated his friends and forever will.

Katsuki just faceplanted onto the couch hugging a pillow to his face. He wanted to scream and yell and cry. He's so confused and heartbroken. Katsuki then was engulfed in a hug. He could recognize the feeling of Shoto anywhere and the odd temperature difference in his hands. "Shoto." He said as he pulled away from the pillow. His voice was raspy and his eyes hurt. The half 'n half boy brought a hand up to his cheek and wiped away the excess tears.

"Why do I keep getting the bad ones?"

Shoto shook his head. Hugging Katsuki close to this chest. "I don't believe he was necessarily a bad one. I'm choosing to believe that everything he felt for you was true. And for the most part, I think you should too." "I agree with Shoto!" Camie sat next to the blond on the other side. I can tell by the way he looked at you. He loves every bit of you. Trust me I can just tell these things."

The boy smiled. "If only you could do it with your own relationship." Camie gasp launching a pillow at the two.

"I see you're having fun without me." They all turned to Inasa and smiled.

At that point, they were all trying to make Katsuki feel better. They watched scary movies until the sun came up the next day and Inasa carried Katsuki to bed. They all sat in the living room staring down at their hands and feet.

"He knows where we live, he knows where we work and he has all our numbers. If we were to get away he could still come to get us. He's a villain after all." Camie said. She didn't want to think about the guy that Katsuki really liked was a villain. "If he really wanted us dead we would have been dead by now." "Then he might want something from us? If he wants something it's going to be from Katsuki." Shoto finished brushing his hair back. "But Katsuki literally has nothing. He stopped talking to his parents after the whole fight and he has done anything to affect LOV."

"There's not anything we can do at the moment. We just have to wait and see what happens." 

Katsuki sighed as he laid in bed. Camie and Inasa were at work and Shoto was out with Denki. Katsuki didn't want to keep them away from their duties and fun just because of his little problems. He didn't want to be selfish.

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