Chapter 6:~Nightmares~

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(Elora's room during her visit in Imladris)

Elora slept peacefully in her bed in her room when the nightmares started.

"You're worthless and pathetic! Didn't you think I wouldn't notice you snuck out after dinner!?,"Cirdan exclaimed.
"Father, I didn't...,"Elora began.
"Silence, Elora!,"Cirdan exclaimed, "You shall suffer for what you did!,"
And he grabbed her arm tightly and dragged her out of the room. Elora was only wearing her nightgown so she was freezing of her feet's when they walked on the cold stone floor.

Cirdan dragged her down to the dungeons where he cackled her wrists and ankles against the wall with iron chains.
"Please, master! It burns!,"Elora cried.
"Good! That should learn you to never defy me again!,"Cirdan smiled wickedly and closed the cell door and locked it.

Elora sank to the floor, crying. Tears streaming down her cheeks.
And suddenly, Cirdan's wife, Cristiana who had always treated her like a daughter came running. And she opened the cell door,
"Oh, my dear child, what did he do to you?,"
And Elora shook her head, "Please, leave me be!," And Cristiana shook her head,
"I know you don't want to be touched. That's alright. But you're safe now, he's gone. You are alive. You will survive this. I know this. Because I survived and you know that too. He tried to destroy you by taking your pride and your strength. But those things cannot be taken, not from you! Not ever! We're going to change your clothes, fix your hair, we're going to erase any marks of his hands on you,"
"That's not possible,"Elora cried.
"Elora, you cannot let him break you down,"Cristiana insisted, "Your family is out there waiting for you. The dragons are waiting for you. Trust me, trust me and let me help you," And she stretched out her hand to her, "Trust me that I can get you through this because I swear to you that I can!,"
And Elora took her stepmother's hand.

"Elora!?,"Elrond's calm voice interrupted as she felt him give her a gentle shake, "It's just a dream, my child," He continued.
And Elora quickly woke up and sat up in the bed, "Please! Stay away from me!," Elrond carefully put his hand on her shoulder, "It's okay, my child. It was just a dream,"
And Elora started to cry. And Thranduil and Legolas entered the room,
"I heard her screams. Are you alright, iellig?,"
And Elora shook her head, "I cannot sleep. The nightmares still hunts my dreams,"
"Do you want to tell us what the dream was about?,"Elrond asked calmly.
"I was 93 (13) years old,"Elora began, "It was the first time he chained me and locked me up. I remembered how much I wanted to fade. So I could be free. I wouldn't have been here if Cirdan's wife who had always treated me like a daughter hadn't helped me. She said that I couldn't let him break me. That you were still out there waiting for me,"
"She saved you from dying,"Thranduil said in relief. "She made me see his punishment as something that made me stronger,"Elora explained.
"You should get some more sleep,"Elrond explained, "We have much to discuss in the morning," And they left the room and closed the door behind them.
And Elora laid down on her pillow and fell asleep.

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