Chapter 8:~Old friendship~

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"Thank you,"Callon said as the servants offered them tea. And Elora smiled, "Tell me, what have you done all those thousand years if you have waited for me?," And Callon smiled, "Well, worrying about my pantings. Painted. Lived a life in hiding, you could describe it. When Livia took your throne, she ordered everyone with connections to The Light elves to be executed. I had no choice but go into hiding in hope that The Rightful Queen would one day take back her birthright. Her claim to her rightful throne," And Elora nodded, "It must have been hard for you. I'm sorry," And Callon smiled, "Well, it was lonely. But I had my memories," And Aragorn looked at the man, "What happened to your paintings?," And Callon smiled, "They're hidden somewhere safe in this castle where I'm sure Livia never found since only a Light elf or I can open the Secret room Pharom and I hid them," And Elora looked at him impressed, "Oh, I haven't noticed any secret rooms," And Callon stood up, "Then let me show you," And Elora, Legolas, Aragorn, Gimli and Gandalf fallowed the artist in curiosity and wonder.

Callon lead them out into the great hall and placed his hand on the right in front wall and a secret door opened in the wall.
Callon turned to Elora and smiled and lead them into the room.
"I've missed this place. My old painting room,"Callon smiled. And everyone looked around at the paintings. "They're fantastic,"Elora said. And noticed a painting with a man with golden short blonde hair and brown eyes. His chest was bare and he had closed eyes. A bit from him laid a woman on the side. "Who's this?,"Elora asked interestingly. And Callon went over to her, "Ah! I had almost forgotten this. It's Pharom and his mistress Karliene. Pharom loved her very much. After her death, he was never the same. Shortly after that, he was murdered in that meeting," And Elora nodded slowly, "I understand. You've painted all of those?," And Callon nodded, "Yes, Elora, I have. But there's still room for more," And he smiled at her challenging. And Elora looked at him shocked and confused and shocked, "Wait, you want to paint me?," And Callon smiled, "Of course. I've painted all of The Light elves who ruled the time I worked for them. It would be a shame not to have a painting of The Last Light elf, The Queen Of Dragons," And Legolas smiled to hide his little laugh. And Elora smiled, "Of course," And Callon smiled, "And of course, we cannot forget your husband. He must be in the painting too," And Elora smiled, "That you have to ask him yourself. I would love to but I don't know with Elladan,"

"Elora! Are you in here!,"A voice suddenly called. And Elora smiled, "Seems like my husband is back. You can ask him if you want," And Callon smiled and they went out of the Secret painting room and the door closed behind them.

"Gandalf,"Elladan greeted, "Elora, who's this?," And he turned to Callon.
Callon bowed his head and held out his hand, "Callon Winter, My King, old artist and friend to Arnel The Brave," And Elladan looked at the man confused, "Then you cannot be...," "Human?,"Callon finished, "No, I'm a Lamia, immortal humans," And Elora smiled, "Elladan, Callon has a request for you. I think it sounds like a good idea. But I want to make sure it's okay with you we do it," "Do what?,"Elladan asked confused.
Callon smiled, "I've painted all Light elves and rulers of The Light Kingdom since I started working for them. Of course not Livia because she wanted me dead. But I would like to paint you and Elora," And Elladan smiled nervously, "Well, it's alright for me. But are you sure you want to do this Elora?," And Elora smiled, "Yes, I would love to," And Callon smiled, "Then it's decided. I have to fix some new colours but then we'll begin tomorrow," And Elladan swallowed, "Tomorrow? Isn't that very early?," And Callon smiled, "No, I have everything I need except the painting I shall paint on and new colours & pencil. I have my big easel, so don't worry. I fix everything I need," And Elladan nodded, still nervously. And Elora grabbed her husband's hand, "Callon, excuse us for a moment. I need to speak with my husband alone," And Callon smiled, "Of course, your Majesty," And Elora and Elladan went out into the throne room.
"What's wrong, meleth nín?,"Elora asked worriedly. And Elladan sighed, "Elora, panting? I hope you know what you're thinking," And Elora smiled, "You're nervous of showing yourself so bare," And Elladan smiled, "I agreed to do this. But promise me you won't let anyone watch," And Elora smiled, "Of course not,"

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