Chapter 10:~An evil plan~

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Saruman walked into his and Hadrian's secret cave. "Any news?,"Saruman asked interestingly. And Hadrian sighed, "We need to get our light elf to leave the castle before we can let the orcs capture her," And Hadrian smiled wickedly, "I've heard that tomorrow, our light is going to take a ride into the forest. It's the perfect time for the orcs to attack and kidnap her," And Saruman smiled wickedly, "Then it so it shall be,"

Elora sat in her office when Callon entered,
"My Queen, I would like to ask for your permission to come with The King to Rivendell.  I've heard he was going to visit his grandparents and I've always wanted to meet The Lady Of Light," And Elora smiled, "If that's your desire, you are allowed to go. Callon, just like under my rule, you're allowed to do as you did when you worked for Arnel and Pharom," And Callon looked at her worriedly, "Are you alright, my friend?," And Elora sighed, "Just scared, I guess," And Callon nodded, "I'll leave you to rest," And he left the office.

Some day later, Elladan had packed and his escort was ready to leave Rivendell.
Elora walked over to her husband, "I will wait for you to come home," And Elladan smiled and kissed his wife deeply and hugged her tightly, "See you in two weeks," And Elora smiled and turned to Callon, "Take care of him," And Callon nodded, "I will,"
Elladan got on his horse and Callon got on his horse and the escort left The Light Kingdom. And Elora looked sadly after them.

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