Chapter 9:~Painting~

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Next day, Elladan and Elora gathered in a room in the castle Callon had used when he painted his other paintings of The Light elves.
Elora was wearing a dark blue long silk dress with long sleeves and a pair of silver slippers as Callon had requested. Her long golden blonde hair over her left shoulder and she was wearing a small silvery tiara with diamonds and a pair of silver diamond earrings.
Callon smiled, "You lay on the the right side against me, My Queen. And you lay straight, My Lord without your clothes and the thin blanket over your lower body," And Elladan looked at the artist shocked and confused but did as he said and took off his clothes and laid the thin fabric over his lower body.
And Elrond entered the room, "Ion nín, this shall be fun, right?," And Elladan looked at his father, "Ada! What are you doing here? Elora, you promised no one would watch!," And Elora swallowed, "I'm sorry, I couldn't stop them," And Elladan looked at her confused, "Them?," And suddenly, Galadriel, Legolas, Elrohir, Gimli, Aragorn and Thranduil entered the room. "Alright, I'm not doing this!,"Elladan protested. "Yes! You do! You promised me, Elladan!,"Elora protested. And Elladan sighed. "Listen to your wife, ion nín,"Elrond smiled. And Elladan sighed. "Lay still, My King!,"Callon ordered. Elladan sighed and did as The Lamia told him to. "Close your eyes and lean your head back and stay quiet,"Callon told Elladan, "I need clam and focus," And he grabbed a black chalk and began to sketch of Elora and Elladan when both were in character. "Perfect," And he started painting the painting he had sketched.

In a few days, the painting was finished.
"It's beautiful. You're fantastic,"Elora complement Callon, "You're a part of our family and I promise you are allowed to paint as much as you want in your painting room," And Callon smiled, "My Queen, it's not so much," And Elora smiled, "Not so much!? You have a great talent. Don't let anyone tell you something else, mellon nín," And she hugged him tightly and Callon smiled and hugged her back.

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