I think my stilettos will make a good murder weapon.

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A/N: Really ? Thanks for making it to the second chapter. Hugs to you! This is my first, so really sorry for the mistakes!
Healthy criticism is welcome.
*follow* ;)


Breathe Nea, breathe.
Seeing Nicki here ruined my mood. We are family just by our surnames otherwise she is my mortal enemy. Okay you might think it is because she has my family's money that could have helped my mother and me. But that is not the case.This girl is dreadful. She has been making my life a living hell ever since we have been toddlers. Picking on me, making fun of me and always looking down upon me.
She is a popular socialite known worldwide. You will find her posing with the Hilton sisters and the Kardashian clan. She has dated popstars and actors. Even cricketers. Life is perfect for her but somehow making my life hell makes her day!

I decided to stay calm. Let it go Nea, let it go. Just make it through the party.

"There you are Nea!" Screamed my best friend excitedly.

"Did you see bitchzilla? I am telling you she is upto something. She wants my job!"

"Nea, calm down! You are the best here alright? No one can replace you and Mark knows it."

I love her to death, I swear. She knows exactly what to say to cheer me up.

"I love you Manvi. Let me kiss you." I said making a pout.

"Sure." She laughed.

"Let me go mingle with the guests. Argh."

"Yeah okay. Hey Nea?"


"I love you too."

I blew her a kiss.

I saw Mark. Okay so Mark is my boss. He is also gay. Which is not relevent information but he is the first gay guy I ever met.

I really don't know whether he is gay or not but he is 45, and in the ten years he has been in the public eye he has never been with any woman. I have never seen him check even one woman out. Even Nicki in her micromini could not catch his eye.
So he has to be gay right?

Aryan hates him. Completely. They have stiff competition "in the market" as I have heard.

"You did a great job. Enchante's sales are up by 15% now. Girls are in love with the magazine, even the online site." Mark said with a huge smile.

"Thank you. It will continue going up. I assure you." I said.

"So where is your Man? I see your mother is here as well. Big night, lady." Mark chirped.

"Yeah. Why was there need of this formal introduction to the media?" I was curious. Finally I could ask. Although I am not complaining. Who minds being famous?

"You are a role model to girls. They look up to you. The more famous you are, the better for the magazine." Mark said matter of factly.

Its true. Before I became editor in chief here,I just had an online blog. Which became popular and Mark approached me to give me this job.

He went off to talk to the photographers and I checked my phone. No call, no messages. Where is he? He has to leave for New york tonight. God, I miss him already.

I saw my phone. No bars. There is no network. He must have called me and could not get through. Oh dear god. I should go out, check for some signal.

I went towards the exit, several huge cars were parked outside. I have hardly any knowledge about cars. But mother of god, these people are so freaking rich.

I saw a familiar yellow Sedan. Its Aryan's. So he is here. God what the hell? He is probably searching for me and I am outside.

I went back in. He is no where to be soon. What the hell! I can't even call him. I feel so frustrated. I saw Nicki approach, for once she did not have her mean smile on.

"What do you want?" I asked. Sponsir or not, I won't be nice to her.

"Umm.."She started saying but Lara, Enchante's beauty writer, approached me.

"Hey. I saw Aryan go to the dinner hall. He looked frustrated. Is everything okay?"

Frustrated. God.
I should get to him. This is our last night before he leaves.

"Yes, I will be right back."

I rushed off to the dinner hall.
"Let me come with you." Nicki said surprising me.

I didnt answer her.

God this place is huge. I can't believe Mark is paying for this place for just a magazine. Finally reaching the hall, I searched for him. I paid attention to the surroudings, there were two people kissing wildly and everyone else was staring at them. Get a room people! This is my party!

Finally the wild lovers broke apart. The woman looked embarrassed and worried noticing how all the people were staring. The man finally stopped staring at her, and looked at me.

"Nea... " He began.

"Aryan? Why are you kissing Manvi?" I stood frozen.

Manvi ran towards me.

"Nea listen I can explain. I...."

She began talking but I could not hear a single word she said.

My head was in utter chaos. What the hell was going on?

I think my stilettos will make a good murder weapon.

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