Chocolate Fudge All The Way

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He backed off a bit. I guess he did not expect me to be the one who opens the door.  I just looked at him blankly. My heart was still throbbing with pain and seeing him only made it worse. 

He did not say anything. Silence. I guess I should break the awkward silence.

Nah, I do not owe this backstabbibg jerk anything. Let the silence continue. 

"Nea..." He began. Oh the jerk speaks.
"I did not know you were staying here. Well, great we have to talk...."

"What?" I interuppted him.

"Huh?" He looked confused.

"If you did not know I was staying here, what are you doing here then?"

"Your mother wanted to talk to me."



"Manvi and I..." I did not let him finish.

"I am not ready. My head already feels like it will explode. Dont tell me anything. Not yet."

"I am sorry Nea. I do love you."

"And her."

"I am sorry."

"Give all my stuff to Vikrant uncle and make sure I don't see your butt face ever again." Before he could say anything I slammed the door on his face.


"You should shower sweety."  My mom said. She looked pretty. I guess she just applied make up.  Although what for really, eh women. The only person visiting us will be Vikrant uncle with all my stuff.


"Nea I don't know how to say this."


"Sweet heart I assure you everything will be alright."

"What mom?"

"You have been fired."

Two days later.

Life has never been this good. I am trying to be honest here people! I have not showered since forever and it actually feels amazing. Why do people bother with taking baths? Its so tiring man. Why so much hard work? I feel awesome.

So Mark fired me.  Because the whole debacle in front of the public in the party was not good for the magazine. The magazine cannot have a psycho editor in chief. So he decided to ...

You know what? I do not even care. K don't want to work anyway. I love lying around in these shorts and  Super man Tee, pink bunny slippers and watch movies like Rambo, Die hard. 
Yes I look so sexy right now. Especially the bunny slippers.

Mom tried enough times to get me go out. She is psychotic as well if she expects me to just go out and have fun.  With the fool I made of myself at the party, mothers probably tell their children to go to sleep or the Psycho lady with the heels might come hurt them.

This. is. the. life.

If only I could stay in bed all day!  Forever. That would be great. 

*2 days later*

"This is enough! You stink more than the garbage of the entire city combined! Get a shower!" Mother screamed.

"I will." I said and went back to eating my sandwitch.

"Young lady, do not test my patience."


She went away murturing to herself. God she was angry. Really upset too. But I could not care much. I wanted to. But I just feel so numb. I don't care about anything. Except  my sandwitch. Sandwitch is life.

Couple of hours later when I was done with my sandwitch-movie-stare-at-nails-and-try-and-figure-out-what-went-wrong  routine, the bell rang. I called for mom twice but she was showering so there was no choice but for the human skunk to open the door. 

I opened the door to the most gorgeous man I had ever seen. He could probably be six feet tall, he had dark deep eyes,  muscular, fair. If I were not hearbroken, jobless and stinky, I would have totally turned my charms on.  But who the hell would want to get hurt again. Especially hot guys are always trouble.

"Hey. You must be Nea?"

I blinked. Suddenly I was conscious of what I was wearing. Damn, should have taken that shower. He had a deep voice. Almost hard. It melted my heart. Heartbroken or not, I could admire right?
Even if your stomach is full, you do not stop appreciating icecream.

Maybe it is my psycho personality so generously gifted to me by heart break or maybe I was always this way, but as soon as I saw him ( and absorbed his hotness in my willing eyes) , I ran upstairs to my room.  Mom's guest room I mean.

Thirty minutes later, my mother came in. 
"Nea I will not have you mistreat my guests! I have taught you better...

She looked like she was a volcano ready to eruppt anytime. Geez.

...A woman needs a man as much a fish needs a bicycle! Don't you forget your manners because of a man. Don't you dare behave like this in my house!" She continued.

"Mother, I am jobless. Have you forgotten that piece of information?"

"Find another one! Nea life hasn't ended! This is only a mere set back. Fight it off! Don't go around watching movies all day and sulking and sleeping!"

"I can't grieve? I just had the biggest blow of my life. No no no no no"....I took  deep breathe. "Second biggest blow of my life! After father and you expect me to behave like nothing happened?" Now I was screaming.

"I think four days are enough. Now just get back to life Nea. I am with you."

"Oh haha. You are with me? You only want me to leave as soon as possible so that you can live in peace and privacy."  I started crying.

"Nea,  control that tongue of yours. How could you say something like that?"   She looked deeply hurt but I just did not care.

"You said this was YOUR house. Previously where I lived was Aryan's house. The only thing which was my identity was my job which I don't have.. " Before I could complete my sentence I broke down.

She came to me and hugged me, I just snuggled to her. A minute later.

"Sweetheart, what happened wasn't your fault." He said while wiping my tears.

"How could he mom? How could he?"

"I don't know. I wish I did. Sweety, sometimes people do not understand the promises they make. They just make them in the heat of the moment. They don't understand the kind of trusts and expectations and responsibility that comes with those promises." 

"That is not an  excuse for kissing my best friend in front of everyone I know in my party." I sobbed.

"No. And that is why he is not "people". He is an animal. A donkey, to be precise. And you don't need a donkey Nea." She smiled.

"Speaking of animals, who was that lion?" God thinking of that hot guy my tears were gone and embarrassment took over. Oh so I do care. Hurray.

"Lion?...Oh you mean Amit. Doctor Amit Mehra."


"He is a psychologist."

"I don't understand."

"Its just therapy, Nea. For you."

Things are about to get very interesting.

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