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"Shush!" exclaimed a voice beside them. Cleo jumped in fright. They looked behind and saw a young girl standing around the corner of the alley. As she stepped closer towards them and the light, they could see that she was around Cleo's age, with smooth, dark skin, brown shoulder-length hair, and round navy blue eyes.

"Follow me," she instructed before they could say anything. She scanned the street.

"it's not safe to talk here," she said in a vague voice. The girl spoke with a Northern Strinnish accent, much like Kendrick had. They looked at each other but decided to follow her.

"Can we really trust her?" whispered Cleo into her brother's ear.

"Let's wait and see. We do have weapons, and she doesn't seem to," he quickly answered. They picked up the pace to catch up with the girl.

She hurried them over into another long alleyway with houses lining the sides. As she took them further into the dark, Rhys felt himself pull out his wand. Despite what he'd told Cleo, he didn't want to take any chances. This girl seemed to know something. He had a feeling. One that was hard to pinpoint. He suspected that she wasn't someone to be cautious of.

Finally, they reached an old, brick house. Half of it was situated on one side of the alleyway, whereas the back of it protruded out into another cobblestoned market area.

"Follow me," the girl said, ushering them up a few rock steps and inside through a stout door, barely tall enough for Quinn, the tallest of them, to enter. Rhys glanced quickly at both Cleo and Quinn before they entered. He saw Quinn reach for his belt where his sword was. Cleo pulled out her wand. They walked into the grim building, unsure what to expect.

"Alyss, is that you?" called an adenoidal female voice that seemed to be coming from upstairs.

"Yes, it's me," she replied.

"Have you brought them?" asked a brittle male voice.

"Yes, father," called up Alyss. Rhys sensed something in her voice and her tightened lips. Annoyance? Frustration?

"Bring them up, then," instructed the woman.

They followed Alyss up some steep wooden stairs. When they had reached the top and turned a corner, they saw, through an open door, a man and woman sitting on a rug, candles on a table behind them.

Cleo asked what they were all thinking. "Why have you brought us here?"

"We have foreseen that you would come here," replied Alyss' mother. She had hazel eyes lined with wrinkles and messy dreadlocks.

"We know the path you must take," added the man. He, too, had dark skin. His head was shaved, and he had an unkempt stubble.

"You know our path? How?" said Quinn.

"We know that you probably have many questions, but we have very little time," said the woman again.

"So, you know about the man who took the amulets?" asked Rhys.

"Yes," replied Alyss' father simply.

"Then how do we get them back?" said Rhys impatiently.

"All in due time, all in due time," said the woman calmly.

"If you have foreseen the path we must take, please help us," pleaded Cleo. She had heard of seers, and guessed that these seers' visions could prove useful.

"We have been betrayed," said the lady quietly.

"What? By who?" asked Quinn curiously. "And what does that have to do with us?"

The Kingdoms of Strinnlad (Book One): The Rise of MagicWhere stories live. Discover now