Chapter 5: The Rat Hunt

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The hunting turned out to consist of waiting in the office while Robok and Professor Flitwick went to retrieve whatever it was that goblins used to locate someone.

And while Professor Snape, Professor McGonagall, and Harry sat on the slightly too small chairs, waiting impatiently for the news, Professor Flitwick and Robok made their way through the long corridors of the Gringotts Bank.

After all, they couldn’t possibly keep such a sensitive instrument too close to the entrance in case some wizard caught wind of such a thing existing and made the bright decision to try and steal it.

Passing several doors and staircases leading further and further into even more intricate pocket dimensions, they finally reached their destination: a plain looking bronze door with no additional security.

If you counted being programmed to only allow those with goblin blood to enter as not-secured, anyway.

What made the long journey worth it laid behind that door: another pocket dimension filled to the brim with bookshelves, each and every one stuffed with documents.

Documents containing sensitive information about every single one of the bank’s customers.

Professor Flitwick and Robok entered the room, but stopped soon thereafter, coming to a halt in front of an old desk with an even older goblin sitting behind it.

“Purpose?” the goblin croaked out, his voice rusted from disuse.

“Location of a supposed-to-be-dead murderer,” Robok supplied.


“Peter Pettigrew.”

The old goblin took a long scroll of parchment from a stack stored neatly to his left, reading through it surprisingly quickly.

“Wait,” he said, standing up and walking off, disappearing between the shelves.

He returned not even five minutes later, a file clutched in his hands.

Slapping it down on the desk, he opened it and put on glasses which had been resting on a chain around his neck.

Professor Flitwick glanced at the pages, but they seemed empty to him.

“Status: Alive,” the goblin read dispassionately.

“That confirms it.” Robok nodded. “In this case, we are allowed to inquire about his whereabouts.”

“Location: Hogwarts.”

Hearing that in the near-mechanical voice was an odd experience.

“May we have a map?” Professor Flitwick asked. He wasn’t going to believe it until he found the rat. The nerve of that rat!

The goblin somehow gave off an impression of sighing heavily despite not doing so. Reaching for a piece of parchment, he pressed it to the page in the file, whispering something harshly.

A moment later Professor Flitwick held a map of Hogwarts in his hands, a cherry-colored dot announcing the presence of Peter Pettigrew somewhere inside what must’ve been the-

“Well,” he said, reluctant to swear. “I don’t think he’s legally allowed to reside inside Gryffindor Tower with all the children there.”

Robok had no such qualms.


“Bad news, everyone,” Professor Flitwick said, entering the office empty-handed some time later.

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