Chapter 18: Dreams Do Come True

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The days between the last day of Hanukkah and Christmas Day passed quietly, and soon it was the Thursday before Christmas: Christmas Eve. Harry didn’t mind; he had a lot to think about. With his afternoon free - even if he did miss his newfound family - and his mind seeking distraction, Harry managed to finish all of his remaining homework, for the most part, at least.

The next morning, there was a pile of gifts waiting at the foot of his bed.

“It’s Christmas!” Ron exclaimed happily, jumping at his own pile. Then, finding the box of Celebrations sweets that Harry had given him, he added, “Thanks mate! Open the big one first, that’s from us!”

Harry was happy to oblige, removing the wrapping to reveal an emerald green sweater and a box of fudge. Looking back at Ron, the boy was already wearing his, even if he didn’t look too happy about the maroon colour.

“It clashes with my hair,” Ron mumbled before turning his full attention to his other presents.

With just the two of them in the dorms, Harry was fine with staying in his pyjamas and the sweater for now. Settling down, he looked through the rest of his pile curiously.

The fake Dursleys had sent him something, which was a surprise. Right until Harry realized that it was a fifty-pence coin and a letter full of insults. That felt much more in-character. He used the spell he had been practicing for Charms, Incendio, to get rid of the letter. The coin went into his purse.

From Hagrid, he’d received a wooden flute. Harry, thanks to Professor Snape bringing him to a Muggle mall during one of the days of Chanukah, had gifted Hagrid with an encyclopedia of (non-magical) animals. He hoped the man enjoyed it.

To Draco and Neville, Harry had sent out boxes of Celebrations as well. To Hermione, who was Muggle-born, he had given an assortment of magical sweets.

In return, Draco had sent him a fancy quill, from Neville a seedling of something that looked like the Devil’s Snare - but Neville’s letter assured that it was merely a camouflaging technique - while Hermione had given him some Chocolate Frogs and Every Flavour Beans.

There were two more packages left once he was done with the others - one big and lumpy, the other small and flat - which made Harry rather nervous. He hadn’t given anything to anyone else!

The bigger package felt soft. If Harry was to guess, he’d say it was a cloth of some sort...

Ripping the paper open, something soft slid between his fingers, landing on his lap. Only now, he couldn’t see part of his legs.

“Oh!” Ron said, suddenly paying attention. “It’s an invisibility cloak! Those are rare!”

Looking between Ron and the cloak, Harry frowned. He was perfectly fine with accepting its existence - he was living in a magical castle, after all - but who could have possibly given him such a gift?

Rummaging around the wrapping paper, he searched for any notes. There was only a single scrap of parchment, hidden in a nook of it.

Your father left this in my possession,” it said. “It is time it was returned to you. Use it well.

Ron was still chattering about the cloak, but Harry wasn’t listening, too engrossed in the mystery.

The doors to their dorm swung open, allowing the Weasley Twins through them. Harry, reversing to his base instincts in panic, pushed the cloak and the remaining gift under his pillow.

“Happy Christmas!” they yelled at the tops of their lungs. “Oh, look, Harry’s got a sweater too!”

“Only yours doesn’t have a letter on it,” George commented, bouncing closer. “Lovely-jobely, Ronniekins, you’re already wearing yours!”

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