Solomon x Sorccerer!reader || Childish Rivalry

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(A/n: AU where reader is still an exchange student, but they were already a sorccerer, enjoy!)


      The school year at RAD had just begun, and Solomon was already apprehensive. No, it wasn't because he'd been brought down to the Devildom in such short notice, he'd been to here numerous times. Rather, it was the news about the second human exchange student that bothered him.

      (Y/n) (l/n).

      That name he knew far too well, and he was sure to keep an eye out for them. To run of course, why else?

      A week had already passed, and there were no signs that the other sorccerer had arrived. Maybe he heard wrong, or there was a change of plans. Either way, he was relieved.

      Now, he chatted with his angel housemates in RAD's hallway while they waited for class to start. He let himself relax a little. Though of course, the voice he so dreaded much shot through his ears.


      Simeon caught the cringe that flashed through the human's face as the footsteps grew louder. It wasn't so often he saw Solomon like that, so this person immediately piqued his interest. He saw a sorccerer with (h/l) (h/c) marching up to their group, with a demon following behind them.

      "Hey, human! Wait up! What's the deal!?" Mammon exclaimed, staggering to catch up with the sorccerer. He'd been told explicitly by Lucifer to stay by the human's side, though, now proved to be a bigger pain than he thought it would.

       Solomon took a moment to turn around after the sorccerer stopped behind him. A forced smile on his face, he said, "Why hello, (y/n). I heard that you were an exhange student here as well. It's nice to see you again."

      "Don't give me that!" they snapped. "You're gonna fight me, right now."

      "Now now, (y/n)... we still have classes, remember?"

      "I don't care. Just fight me already! It's high time I defeated you by now!"

      "Um... Solomon? Who is this?" Luke asked hesitant.

      "This is (y/n). They're a sorccerer from the human world. I'm quite acquainted with them, you see," Solomon said. "(Y/n), meet Luke and Simeon. They're the exchange students from the Celestial Releam, I currently live with them in the Purgatory Hall."

      Simeon waved a hand, "It's nice to meet you, (y/n). I can tell that you and Solomon are quite close."

       "And what do you mean by that, Simeon?" Solomon asked.

      "Oh, nothing."

      "It's nice to meet you, Simeon, Luke. Could you please remind Solomon here to show up in the Courtyard after classes? Thanks!"

      "Human, wait!" Mammon yelled, following after the sorccerer as they ran off.

      Solomon sighed, "Here we go again..."

      "Again?" Luke asked. "What do you mean?"

      "Yes, again... As you know, I'm known as Solomon the Wise. So having such a title would lead people to believe that I'm an exceptional sorccerer."

      "Which is true," Simeon pointed out.

      "Ah... well, (y/n) is a very skilled sorccerer themself, you see, and competitive. Very competitive. They've been challenging me for a long time now."

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