Greenhouse Aquaponics- For Leafy Greens and Ornamental Fish

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Growing plants and fishes in the same environment are both art and science. This can be made into a commercially profitable business by the use of greenhouse technology. A greenhouse protects its interiors from being exposed the adverse climatic conditions such as wind, cold, precipitation, excessive radiation, extreme temperature, insects, and diseases. Thus, a microclimate created inside a greenhouse act as a catalyst for the sustainable rearing and cultivation of leafy green plants and ornamental fish in any place and in all climates of the year.

The greenhouse space is efficiently utilized to position large tanks for ornamental fish rearing, breeding, and grow beds are placed on top of these tanks for growing leafy green plants. In this integrated farming technique, the water in the fish tank which is enriched in ammonia and other minerals over time from the waste discharged by fish is pumped to the plant grow bed to be utilized as a nutrient solution. This water is recirculated back to the fish tank after plants absorb the nutrients. This system is a self-sustainable organic model which requires minimal intervention as it relies mostly on the mutual symbiosis of fish, bacteria, and plants.

The leafy green plants suitable for such an environment are broccoli, lettuce, spinach, swiss chard, rosemary, mint, etc. Studies are being conducted to grow tomato, lady's finger, and brinjal as well as other indigenous plants that can act as substitutes for a variety of currently imported greens. Among the Ornamental fishes, the fish that are suitable for rearing and breeding in such an environment are Koi carps, Goldfish, Catfishes, Loaches, Indigenous barbs, mollies, guppies, platy, swordtail, etc. Thus, greenhouse aquaponics offers a dual-income possibility from fish and plants which can be reaped throughout the year.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 12, 2021 ⏰

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