leaving gurukul & returning to kingdom

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Arjun pov

It has been many years since we left hastinapur to learn shiksha. I done my best to all things I could. This was a great journey of my life to meet lot of friends and had lot of fights with Gaurav's. Let say we didn't sync well. I know duryodhan wants crown. But truth will always win. This place been my second home give knowledge and show me the path of dharm. Not only that this where my feelings for my chitra grown. I didn't meet her but I can assure I came the know her. Today gada is returning to dwaraka. I am sad but also jealous he get meet my chitra and my madhu. Tomorrow we are leaving. So gada came to say goodbye. We hugged for more than 10 min. So nakul got irritated said to me his babhi and sister are waiting for gada so leave him. I got flushed. I know I thought it was an attraction but when the letter says about her being sick. I got a restless fell made me understand its more than that. Gada said to me he will more to give his sisters hand to me. I am proud that moment to take any responsibilities for her.

Next day we went to hastinapur. We went to our mata to take her blessings and took blessings from pitamah, kalashree, pate pitashri, pate mata. Meet my sister who took blessings from us and look at me mischievously. I started to think does knows. O my god. I don't how to react . Then we went our chamber. Told all the stories to our mata and slept peaceful.

Subhadra Or yadavi pov

Last day in kanyakul with dushu. We felt so bad to leave her. In times we became sisters so it's hard for us say good bye. That time gurumata called us and said kakashree vidur came to pick dushu. So we helped her to move her luggage to the entrance. Dushu introduced us to mahamandri vidur. I  and madhu took blessings from him. Mahamandri vidur cares our cheek and asked us to call him kakashree. We both are so happy. Dushu hugged me on last time said you will come to hastinapur as bhabi to me one day. Madhu was controlling her laugh. I gave her a stern look. Dushu went to hastinapur.

We wait for our bhratashree to come and pick us. That a chariot enter with two handsome and well built man. One man with feather in his crown made me understand its none another then my bhratashree krishan, so other man is my dau. We went running to hug him and collapse to the ground. For minute we looked each other and we burst into laugh. Dau said you two have changed a bit, same naughtiness and same laughter. Bhratashree asked when did you both become this strong to defect a man. We laughed and i became strong by learn bhratashree. I can make any man fall bhratashree. Bhratashree looked keenly and said you already made some one to fall in your feet. I was confused. Then I looked madhu who gave me a mischievously smile. I know that meaning but I don't know how bhratashree know. Then he asked to dau both our sister are beautiful here already subhadra made some to fall, who know maybe some one abduct her to marry. Madhu was looking more happy. But I and dau didn't understand the meaning. We reached dwaraka after long time I felt home. We went to took blessings from every one my matas and pitashri hugged us whole heartly . Then I went to took blessing from bhrata gada. Blessed be saying wed soon. I was strucked. He said I know. Everyone know how. I was blushing. But madhu and bhrata where laughing. Few days passed with the teasing. There come a letter from my mamashree kadambavel raja to madhu. When we were in kanyakul madhu learn all the welfare to run a kingdom. She was very powerful handler in sword. Till now no one beat her.

Madhura pov

After learning everything in kanyakul I know I am reaching the departure from dwaraka to pandiya kingdom. When the letter arrived , it confirmed that. I have leave to take care of my state. Yadavi akka doesn't take the information well. I assure her I will come back soon and write you lots of letter. She became calm. I went ask permission from krish bhaiya.

Pranipat bhaiya, I said him. He cares my hair and said to me lot of changes awake in you kingdom became I am the only heir of the my kingdom. I asked him then how will a change anything if I went to my states. He smiled and said to me you will called again. I nodded. Are you scared of taking responsibility to run a state he asked me. I said no. Am not scared I know my people will accept me with any gender inequality for that only the praise of kingdom reached this far. Krish bhaiya said true. I wanted to ask you a quest ,he looked at me, why didn't you erase my memory. He explained me that my mother got a boon that child of her will have her memories for all the birth she took which makes the truth difference on the world. I smiled and got ready for my departure. Took blessings from everyone and start my journey towards South.......

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