letter from pandiya dynasty

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Subhadra pov

After spending all night thinking about the events I woke up in late morning and done my regular work and went to kunti bua's room. Kunti bua welcome me with a huge a smile that time dushu joined with us.

We were chit chatting about lot of events and speaking about our likings for jewelry and lot of feminine things. Kunti bua was happy to speak these kind of thinks with us. That time all the pandavs Came and took blessing form her and started to settle down with us. I saw dhananjay looking at me smiling and I gave him a shy smile too.

No one pov

Nakul : mata after the arrival of subhi everyone started to smile lot right. I said looking at bhrata Arjun.

Arjun slapped his back playfully. Subhadra was joyed.

Kunti: ha putr after arrival of my subhi everyone are smiling lot. I saw you guys played in the garden whole heartedly.

We all are smiled.

Bheem : yes mata. Even the game was said by subhi. It was so fun mata.

Kunti : what's the game putri?

Sahadev: no mata don't ask that.

Kunti : why putr?

Arjun: cause she will give you a lecture mata.

Kunti was trying to control her laughter.others were  burst out into laughter.Except subhadra who is pouting.

Subhadra : bhrata yudhisht look at them they are making fun of me.

Yudhisht : stop it every one my sister is going to be sad I don't want that.

Subhi hugged him.

Subhadra : he is only one my bhrata others are not .

Bheem : don't tell me like that I will even make kheer especially for you.

Nakul : see subhi bhrata bheem even ready to make you kheer which he never made.

Subhadra : really bhrata .

Arjun : yes he didn't made me too. Maybe you are too special I said mischievous.

Subhadra looked at him with a narrowing eye.

Dushu : hah it's true.

Subhadra : it's okay bhrata bheem I will eat even ladoo if you made it by your hands.

Bheem smiled and kiss her head. Arjun was so happy to see her connection with his family.

Kunti : I am so happy to have you here putri. With you I felt my family more complete. I always wanted a daughter now my wish completed.

All of them had a nice smile on their face.

Subhadra pov

We were again talking about the stories of the gurukul. It was so fun with them. But I still miss my madhu I didn't receive any letters after coronation of her. If she was here it will be felt more alive.

Suddenly a dasi came to the chamber and said a letter came

Kunti : To whom it came

Dasi : To yadavnandhini subhadra.

I got up from my place went to take the letter from her. I got it and went back to my place by examing the letter.

Yudhisht : form whom it came subhadra

I noticed the emblem of pandiya dynasty. I found it is from madhu.

I told them it's from madhura.

Arjun : I really wanted to know about it. read it fast.

Nakul& Sahadev: yes subhi

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