Tell me what you know

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"- How do you know the names of the old agents or my rules? Jenny told you about it, right?

- I told you ... you only know the visible part of the iceberg and I admit ... also a piece of the submerged part but it remains a large part still invisible to you. I know a lot more than you can imagine." Rose replied, smiling.

Then the elevator opened and Rose stepped out. But, after just a few steps, she turned to face Gibbs who was still in the elevator. She walked backwards so that she could keep looking at Gibbs. "You'll find out the whole truth eventually, I'm sure, and maybe I'll reveal things to you on the days when I'm in a good mood." She said, smiling mischievously. "See you soon... dad! ". She turned and disappeared into the crowd of employees. Gibbs stood there until he realized that people were getting on the elevator and he was about to go back up. So he went out and crossed the hall, always as crowded as any time of day ... except maybe at the lunch break. As he stepped outside Gibbs thought about what had just happened. He knew for sure that his ... daughter (!) Was ... well his daughter! She was also aware that he knew the truth and apparently Vance had not lied that Jenny had told Rose about him. And finally she gets out of the elevator and calls him "dad": funny day! After buying his coffee, Gibbs pulled out his phone and texted Rose.

For her part, the young woman was finishing the test of her badge with a technician when her cell phone vibrated in her pocket. She finished checking with the man and then left for the elevators. She hit a call button on one of them and pulled out her phone while waiting. She read the message she had just received. "Meet at the Diner at 7:30 pm. I imagine you know where it is. I hope you'll be in the mood to tell me more about what Jenny may have taught you. Jethro. " The elevator opened. Rose raised a big smile to her lips and began to respond as the doors closed to carry her into the heights of the agency.

Moments later, it was Gibbs' turn to enter the hall and head for the elevators. One of them was about to close but there were only two people inside. Gibbs quickened his pace and raised an arm to attract the attention of both people. So the man held back the elevator and Gibbs was able to get inside.

"- Good afternoon, Agent Gibbs.

- Good afternoon, Agent Perez, thanks for holding the doors. Good afternoon, Agent Thomas.

- Good afternoon, Agent Gibbs. »Answered the woman in turn.

Then the elevator closed for good with the three agents inside. At that moment Gibbs' phone vibrated. He took it out of his pocket and opened Rose's message. "Maybe just a coincidence, but strangely mum has told me about it several times ... I'll see if my good humor will remain intact until the end of the day. It's up to you not to give too thankless tasks to the new probie of the team before the end of the day. See you later then ... maybe. Rose.". Gibbs smiled and put his phone back in his pocket as the doors opened to let him out to join his team.

Chapter short but which shows the beginning of the father-daughter relationship between Gibbs and Rose. But also the character of Rose who still seems a little different from that of her parents.Although I forgot to mention them at the start, the characters of Agents Perez and Thomas are totally invented by me and not present in the original series. To my knowledge anyway.

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