The surprise visitor but not unknown: Jack and ... love perhaps?

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In the kitchen, Justin already had his hand on his gun and was about to take it out. Still, he hadn't done it yet because the intruder seemed to know Gibbs. His intuition was confirmed seconds later when Gibbs exclaimed "It's okay Agent Martin ... I know her, she works at NCIS too." The bodyguard dropped his gun and relaxed.

"- Gibbs, you really need to explain to me what you ... But wait, who is he? She exclaimed, turning to Justin.

- Actually, he's my protection officer ... Agent Sloane." Rose replied, appearing in turn in the kitchen.

Sloane suddenly looked extremely embarrassed.

"- Oh ... uh ... Agent Predash ... I ... I mean ... I ...

- Would you like a cup of coffee with us, Jack? Gibbs then asked to get her out of the embarrassment.

- Uh ... well that is to say that I would not want to disturb ... She answered under the amused glance of the three others.

- Oh no, no, no, don't worry! In fact, I'm glad you're here! Can you imagine that I learned that you were aware of ... let's say my situation. I don't need to teach you that my father is not a big talker. I've only known him since yesterday and you for two years so you'll have to teach me a little more about him!" Rose exclaimed as she left in the direction of the dining room, forcing Jack to follow her.

However, when they were seated, neither of them entered into a conversation. They were still so quiet when Gibbs arrived with the cups and coffee. He served everyone and even offered a cup to Justin who politely declined as the silence grew more and more heavy. Finally, Gibbs sat down and had time to take a first sip before Rose struck up a conversation as if there had been no awkward moment. Gibbs then thought that she looked a lot like Jenny when she did this able to act like nothing was wrong in almost any situation.

"So Agent Sloane, what can you tell me that's interesting about my father? ... and not too embarrassing." She finished laughing.

Jack stammered a little at the situation. She turned to Gibbs and he could read her eyes as a silent request for permission to "reveal" "secrets" to Rose. He nodded slightly up and down. Sloane looked at Rose again and finally started. She told her about the boat in the basement, the almost coffee addiction, the legendary instinct known to the entire agency, the stubborn and persistent silence that finally led Jack to conclude that because of this she didn't know much else. Thus ended the conversation which had finally been punctuated with laughter and good humor despite the embarrassment at the beginning.

"Okay, it's getting late, I think I'll go home." Rose announced as she stood up before putting on her jacket.

Jack and Gibbs stood up in turn. Rose approached Jack.

"- Agent Sloane, thank you for all the disclosures! Good evening to you and ... well see you tomorrow I guess. She finished smiling.

- See you tomorrow Agent Predash ... and please call me Jack.

- Alright, then call me Rose. "

The two women smiled at each other one last time and Rose left for the door followed by Justin and Gibbs. Rose and her bodyguard stepped out onto the porch while Gibbs stood in the doorway. His daughter waited for Justin to walk away and turned to Gibbs, looking genuinely grateful.

"I... I wanted to thank you. I mean, giving me a coffee ... even though I normally don't drink it at evening ( she smiles) and bringing me here. I am aware that I arrived like that without warning to tell you that you had a 20 year old daughter. Besides, I also wanted you to know that I am not asking you for anything ... well I mean if you don't want a daughter now I would totally understand and you would only remain Special Agent Gibbs, my boss and... "

But she didn't have time to finish her sentence as Gibbs pulled her into a hug that silenced her. He kissed her in the hair like he had so often done with his "NCIS family". Rose was deeply happy and smiled, tears in her eyes. She finally pulled back and looked him in the eyes.

"By the way, I noticed you and Agent Sloane ... (Gibbs frowned) Oh come on! I am 20 years old, I am not stupid! I can see that there is something between you and her, and Bishop, McGee and Torres saw it too ... they told me about it! (Gibbs made a mental note to slap them on the head the next morning). Anyway, I saw the way you look at each other ... I don't know what it was like with mum but from what I could understand if you both dared to talk about your feelings, the story could have been a lot different so ... this time, don't let your chance pass up, dad! ".

Gibbs chuckled. "As sass as her mother!" He thought.

Rose went down the few steps to the porch and turned around one last time

"- By the way, you still haven't told me what you were going to call your boat?

- Rose... "He answered quite seriously.

Rose suddenly seemed deeply moved and her face expressed all the gratitude she felt towards her father. She hissed a light "Thank you ..." before joining Justin and getting into her car.

Gibbs closed his door and returned to the dining room.

Jack had put the cups in the sink and put the coffee maker back in its place and was waiting with her back against a chair. She seemed to be feeling awkward again.

"- So Jack... what did you want us to talk about? Gibbs asked mischievously.

- Oh ... well ... actually it's not very important ... replied Sloane more and more embarrassed.

- You are sure ? So why did you come to my house in a rage to tell me we had to talk and ask me what I was playing? Gibbs retorted sternly.

- I ... in fact I ... well, leaving the office tonight, I asked you jokingly if you had a date with a woman and you answered me "It is more or less that"! So I ... I don't know ... I was angry because I thought that ...

- You were jealous, Jack?

- NO !!

- I told you that I have a appointment and you think it is a date with a woman, so you feel angry and you show up at my place to "have an explanation". So what do you call it? Gibbs asked as he moved slightly closer to Jack.

- Jealousy I suppose ... "

Gibbs smiles proudly at Jack's confession. Then they were silent until Sloane clears his throat and tries to change the subject.

"What did Rose tell you at the door? ... If it's not too private ..."

Gibbs shrugged and decided to talk about just one thing.

"She told me not to let my chance pass ... with you ...".

Jack looked even more nervous than before and blushed heavily.

" And you what do you think ? "

In response, Gibbs walked over to Sloane so that they were only inches apart. He waited for Sloane to lift her head and look him in the eyes.

"Et vous Jack, qu'en pensez-vous?" He asked seriously ... and in French please!

- Ne laissez pas passer votre chance, Gibbs ... She replied even more seriously.

- I find that your accent is very beautiful, contrary to what you said." Gibbs exclaimed, smiling.

Jack laughed and Gibbs couldn't help but find her even more beautiful than usual. Then, silence returned.

Finally they reduced the distance between them even further and kissed each other tenderly and then more confidently.

They shared that night a moment that they had both been waiting for and imagining for over a year ...

And here is this last chapter before the epilogue.Well, I don't think I need to draw you a picture of "this moment that he has been waiting for over a year" .... you will understand that they slept together.And for the part where they speak French, I thought it was cool to have a moment like that since she had told Gibbs that she had spoken French when she called for information on Rose so ...Good reading!

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