Concubine Seo had a bad feeling about the birth control herbal soup when they made her drink it. She is not feeling so well now after drinking it. She tries to relax, "It's nothing... Just your mind made up discomfort... It's okay... Everything is okay."
But her body starts to itch a bit from then. She tries to distract herself from the discomfort. She decides to wander in the garden in front of the palace so the cold and fresh air of the garden will help soothe the itchy feeling.
But after coming into the garden, she realizes that it was a wrong decision for three reasons. The first one is that her whole body is sore... The second one, she can't walk properly, she is limping... And, the third one is the itchy feeling is getting replaced by a burning sensation.
It's a totally silent garden. None can be seen anywhere. She sits down under a random large tree and hugs her knees while muttering, "Eomma... I want to go home."
Saying this, she can't resist crying anymore.
"Please... Let me go back to my home," She starts to sob loudly once, but soon presses a hand over her mouth to suppress her loud cries.
Suddenly, a boy in a royal outfit comes in front of Yun Hee hearing her sobbing, "Hey... Who are you?"
But Yun Hee is not aware of his presence; she is so broken to be conscious about her surroundings.
The boy asks again in a louder voice, "Why are you crying?"
Yun Hee lifts her head a bit to see who is talking and asks, "Who are you?"
"I have asked you first… Who are you?"
"I am the new Concubine of the Emperor."
The boy comes a bit closer to her. He is seeing something towards Yun Hee and asks confusedly, "Are you sick?"
" No, just missing my home," she replies.
Still, the boy keeps staring at her strangely. Yun Hee asks as she can't get rid of the curiosity of his strange staring, "Is anything wrong with my face? Why are you staring at me like this?"
"Those rashes!"
Yun Hee lifts up the sleeve of her royal dress. Yes, rashes.
Reddish rashes with ring-like red margins all over her milky skin. Now she is aware of the burning pain all over her body. She can't believe this is happening to her. Allergic dermatitis!!!
Concubine Seo screams in fear and burning pain on her skin," No... please, no."
She was taken back to the concubines' palace. A royal physician was called. When the physician came and opened her robe, a horrible scene was waiting.
Large red rashes mixed with purple bruise hickeys all over her milky skin present a horrible scene to see. It's easily understandable that the Lady was undergoing so much pain which made her lose consciousness. Even touching her body was making her groan.
Several medicinal herbs were ordered for her cure.
After hearing the sickness of the newlywed Concubine, the Emperor came to see his Concubine with Queen Mother Gongwon. After seeing Yun Hee's condition, Emperor Sinjong felt so bad for her. Her suffering made his heart miss a beat.
Queen Mother Gongwon assured Sinjong that she will look over this issue. Consort and Royal Physician were called in front of the Queen Mother to explain what exactly happened.
According to the Royal Physician, Yun Hee has a severe allergy to the soup that she was made to drink that morning.
"What was she made to drink?" The Queen Mother asked Consort Kim.
"Birth control soup, Your Highness," Myeonhye replies back.
Consort Kim is in charge to make sure that the person, with whom the Emperor will have a physical relationship in both harem and concubines' palace, will drink the birth control soup.
The Emperor is so rough in bed. If these measures weren't taken, then the Emperor will end up making so many prostitutes and concubines pregnant.
"Skip the ingredients of that soup in which Concubine Seo has an allergy. It's made of several birth control herbs. Skipping one won't make it so weak." Queen Mother says to the Royal Physician.
"Your Highness, Concubine Seo’s allergy is not because of one ingredient. She has combined allergies to this soup. This soup is actually so effective because of the combination. The Concubine is so sensitive to herbs."
"Then try an alternative for her... We can't make her suffer for it."
"Your Highness... This one is the most effective one. We have alternatives, but those are not as strong as this one."
"Try to select something appropriate and effective for her. She is just a newlywed Concubine. The Emperor doesn't want her to suffer for this fact."
"I will try my best, Your Imperial Majesty," The Royal Physician bows down in front of the Queen Mother.
Yun Hee suffered for about one week with high fever and pain. During the first few days, she was completely unconscious. She was calling for her mother, again and again, crying to go back home saying that she can't bear it.
After one week, Concubine Seo gets cured of allergic dermatitis reaction. But still, she was so weak from the sudden attack of unexpected sickness.

Rise of an Empress
Historical FictionIt's a story of a mighty emperor, who rules the land upto horizon... A story of an innocent lady from a noble family who gets involved in a political marriage and becomes a low rank concubine... A story of an ancient Dragon Goddess who once flew dow...