"You are so good at everything," Concubine Seo compliments General Lee as for the first time he has served her a special breakfast.
"Nothing special. It's luxury porridge for soldiers," He smiles at the compliment.
"But it's luxurious enough for me. Thank you," Concubine Seo digs for more porridge in her empty bowl.
"It is just lotus seeds and dates. Lunch will be more attractive."
"More delicious? I badly want lunch right now," Her tummy growls to prove her statement.
"You are a monster, Concubine Seo. I need time to prepare rabbit meat," General Lee softly yells. He has decided not to behave rudely any more.
"Rabbit?" Concubine Seo's eyes get bigger.
"Awww! Bunnies!," Concubine Seo almost cried at the cuteness of two rabbits that General Lee had bought from a little boy for dinner and lunch.
"These bunnies are our meals," He sniffs.
"No...no... I don't want a meal. I don't eat rabbits, I was born in the year of the rabbit. It's okay to eat bean soup," the concubine hugs the rabbits.
"I was born in the year of the rooster, but chicken is my favourite. If you don't eat, then okay. I will eat. I have spent so much money on them," He remains unbothered.
"I will pay you. Don't take my babies from me," She whines.
"How many babies do you have?" Lee smirks. The question makes Concubine Seo a bit hesitant.
"Last night you were even calling a wine glass as your baby. Lastly, you broke it into pieces. By the way, Am I so scary to you?" Suddenly Jong In asks her to change the topic.
"You said so. Don't say you didn't mean it. People never lie when they are drunk."
"A bit... You are fierce. But that's for good reasons. You have saved me many times from dangers. You have made meals for me every day... And...," She thinks about what to say more.
"And what? Doesn't anything about me haunt you? Speak honestly," He looks into Concubine Seo's eyes. She understands that within a few days she has gotten closer to this male.
"But why do you maintain a secret relationship with Seong Deok? Isn't it like playing with fire?"
"Will you believe me, if I say it's Seong Deok who forces me to maintain this secret relationship?"
It's been almost one week since Concubine Seo went missing from the palace. Emperor Sinjong has tried his best to find Concubine Seo while covering up her treason. It's still such a mystery to him, why did she leave the palace so suddenly disguised as a court lady? She was missing her home, but the emperor assured her that he would send her to Yongsan after the festival. Why did she suddenly act so childishly and impulsively?
Was Concubine Seo feeling so homesick at that time? What if something bad happens to her when she tries to go to Yongsan alone? Emperor Sinjong is so worried about her and their baby. Maybe she is still not aware of the baby she is carrying. She needs care and rest during this time.
He has kept her missing news hidden in the palace. He didn't miss any assembly or royal activity during this time. The news of Yun Hee's pregnancy was announced to the palace and the general people of Goryeo. But after that, keeping her out of the spotlight was not easy.

Rise of an Empress
Historical FictionIt's a story of a mighty emperor, who rules the land upto horizon... A story of an innocent lady from a noble family who gets involved in a political marriage and becomes a low rank concubine... A story of an ancient Dragon Goddess who once flew dow...