Sea Lotus

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Concubine Seo doesn't express any happiness or emotion after receiving greetings from the people gathered on the premises. She simply returns to her wing like it's normal and sits on the terrace with a bowl of milk for the stray cats. After sitting silently for half an hour, she picks up a fluffy cat in her lap and hugs the fluffy ball, "It's nothing, right? Once a low rank, always a low rank. They just needed me for the ritual. After that, I will remain like this forever."


"Arrange for what is further needed, Head Mong Kang," The Emperor orders the Chief Monk.

"Your Imperial Majesty, fortunately, things are going easy until now. You have been blessed by the gods to have such a concubine like her. Although such things are written in the history of the Dragon Goddess, there's only one myth in the history that happened before which led the Emperor to build up a strong empire," the Chief Monk replies with a rush of happiness in his voice.

"Concubine Seo is different from others. Dirty politics and royalties have never touched her. She is like a rare sea lotus in the middle of the ocean. Make sure there's nothing imperfect in the arrangement," Emperor Sinjong smiles. Once it came to his mind that Concubine Seo could be. He doesn't know why he even prayed for her to be selected.

"From now on, everything will rely on her. We civilians have nothing except prayer. Your Imperial Majesty has to keep in mind that she is a Dragon Goddess's medium to impress. The shadow of the Goddess will be embedded inside her during the ritual's crucial moment."

"How's that possible? Inside Concubine Seo?" The Emperor interrupts the Chief Monk.

"Her Highness will confine herself inside a thousand years old dragon temple in worshiping the Goddess. Right now, she is the only connection between the Goddess and us. She is a medium. A ritual led by a concubine usually happens to turn it into a sacred physical relationship. That's why it was needed to be your legally married concubine only," the Monk tries to explain politely.

"Just that? A physical relationship?" The Emperor shutters.

"This ritual aims to receive the blessings of fertile land. So, this is the only way, Your Imperial Majesty. It might sound easy, but it's not. Now she is representative of the Goddess. You can't do anything during this ritual that makes her feel lowered or anything. While staying inside the Dragon Temple, the shadow of the Goddess will be prominent in her. The sacred physical relationship will release divine energy to the fertile land of Goreyo ensuring good crops and productive herbs. The physical relationship is the way to impress the Goddess and let her bless our land with her divine fertility power to regenerate the world."


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