The Prince Under Shadow

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Concubine Seo is now almost well. But still, she has to stay in bed because of weakness. One day, Concubine Park comes to meet her. Yun Hee immediately sits from her laying position and is about to get down from the bed to bow down, but Seung Deok stops her saying, "Are you not still sick? No need, Concubine Seo."

"I am almost well. You could have told me that you want to meet me. I would like to go to your place."

Seung Deok looks at the innocent face of Yun Hee. She felt so bad when she heard Yun Hee got sick because of that soup. When Yun Hee told them she has an allergy to a wide range of herbs, she didn't want to say anything but because of the angry gaze of the consort. She was forced to say something harsh to her. What could she do, when Consort Kim, is all in all in this palace of concubines.

Seung Deok starts to say in a soft voice, "If I knew that would happen to you, I would have never made you drink that. We didn't realize how severe it could be. Whatever, Consort Kim's order was it. I had nothing to do right then."

What Yun Hee can understand now is that Concubine Seung Deok seems so different from the first day. But she doesn't want to be bullied anymore. Yun Hee replies, "No... It's okay... I am okay now."

"Give me a list of foods you are allergic to. Since when have you started to suffer from such allergies?" Seung Deok asks Yun Hee.

"It's since my childhood; maybe I was born with it. My family doesn't know why such things happen to me. Mostly herbs. I usually avoid herbs."

"Then what do you mostly eat? Meat dishes?" Seung Deok asks with a smile.

"No, seafood... Yongsan is actually beside a coastal area. So it just happened to be our main source of food," Yun Hee replies with a smile.

"Okay. I will tell a court lady from the royal kitchen to note about your avoidance and preference, Concubine Seo."

"Thanks a lot, Concubine Park. You can call me Yun Hee. You are in a higher rank after all."

"Okay, Yun Hee. We can be friends."

"Really?" Yun Hee is now surprised at Seung Deok's sudden offer.

"Yes... I feel so bored here. The palace makes me feel suffocated because of loneliness. Consort Kim strictly has prohibited getting closer to any maid or court lady. But you are a concubine. Our rank is almost the same. We can be friends." Seung Deok replies.

"I would like that, Concubine Park."

"Call me Seung Deok. No... No... Not in such a big name... Just Deokie...Call me Deokie."

"Then call me Heeya or Yunie."

"Yunie is fine... You know Yunie, the palace is a dangerous place. Don't trust anyone except yourself. Here everyone tries to get an opportunity against one another."

"I am taking it as advice from my first friend from the palace," Yun Hee smiles at Seung Deok. She really has started to like this concubine.

Soon, Yun Hee and Seung Deok become good friends. They started to spend a lot of time together.

One day, Yun Hee was reading a book that she had taken from the royal library in the garden under a big cherry tree. Suddenly, she noticed a boy in a royal outfit coming towards the cherry tree. She was about to stand up and leave, but the boy stopped her.

"Are you well now?" The boy asks her.

"Yes?" Yun Hee can't understand why the boy is asking such a question.

"You can't recognize me?" the boy pouts.

"Sorry... No, I am new in the palace."

"I met you under a tree when you were sick with red rashes," the boy replied.

Now she can recognize this boy who helped her to go back to the palace with the help of the palace guards.

"Oh! Thank you so much for helping me that day ... I am doing well now. Sorry that I couldn't recognize you...By the way, are you someone from the royal palace?"

" Yeah, I am Prince Wang Yeong. Brother of Emperor Sinjong," The boy smiles sweetly.

Yun Hee immediately sits down and bows to the prince. "Your highness, forgive me as I couldn't recognize you and didn't show respect before."

"Hey... No need... Don't be formal now... It seems awkward now."

Yun Hee lifts her head. Really? Or the prince is making fun of her. But it does not seem that he is having such fun.

Yeong looks at the book that Yun Hee was reading, "you are reading a book? None is forcing you to read, so why are you reading books?"

"These are fun. I enjoy reading new books. The royal library is amazing." Yun Hee replies with a smile.

"I have never gone to the royal library yet. My teachers force me to read a lot of books. I hate to read against my mind. I have a lot of books that only the Emperor and royal families can have access to, you can take them from me to read."

Yun Hee's eyes sparkle with happiness, "That will be your kindness, your Highness."

"Yes, I am so kind, if it is a book to deal with. I hope I can give you all of my books. But then, I will get caught by my mother. So what will you do now?"

"I will go back to the royal library now to take another book from there."

"Another book? Seriously?? Why???" Yeong is completely baffled now. How can someone read these disgusting books like a scholar so happily? It's not something like birds of prey or something to deal with horses. Those are Yeong's favorite hobbies.

"So I can read them at night. Night-time is the best time to read novels."

The prince is amazed at this concubine. Her facial expressions are a bit different from others. 'So pure, maybe that's why,' Yeong thinks to himself.

"Let's go to the royal library together. I am so curious thinking what it looks like exactly and what to do there."

"That will be an honor for me."

Concubine Seo and Prince Yeong spent their whole day at the royal library. Now Concubine Seo has two friends in the entire palace. Prince Wang Yeong and Concubine Park Seung Deok.


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