Goth bf and Hot milf date and fuck

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Abbacchio was waiting outside of Bruno's front door. He expected Bruno to appear any minute because his capo always scheduled things. As he watched his watch count down to 6:42 pm, the time that Bruno gave him, the man walked out.

"Still up for the date?" Bruno asked

Abbacchio busted on the spot but didn't tell Bruno because he would be embarrassed definitely. He yawned to show any type of disinterest "yeah sure."

"Cool," Bruno replied and took Abbacchio by the hand to steer his new goth boyfriend to the locale.

Approximately 51 minutes later, they arrived at their destination. The restaurant smelled like fish coochie and ducks, two of Bruno's favorite smells. Abbacchio noted that Bruno had weird taste.

"K let's go sit down over there at the booth."

Abbacchio nodded and followed Bruno to the table, joining him. The host walked away and prompted a waiter to join them. While they waited, Bruno decided to get frisky and risky by setting his foot on Abbacchio's thigh. This made the goth very red.

"What're you doing Bruno-o??"

"You're looking submissive and breedable tonigh🧍‍♂️" Bruno winked seductively.

"Narancia calls me that all the time from watching those tik tok videos,, what does it mean Bucciarati?" Abbacchio asked very naively.

"You dumb bitch it means you're looking like a sub," Bruno answered while getting out a chain. "I'm gonna fuck you up after this date baby"

Abbacchio gulped and nodded. It was in his blood to be a sub for ✨Bruno ✨fucking ✨Bucciarati✨.

The waiter came finally. His pink hair was pulled back in a ponytail and he was looking like the biggest twink both of them had ever seen. Good thing Abbacchio was being obedient tonight, otherwise he would have pissed the waiter off.

"Hello sir and ma'am!" The waiter called to them.

"Actually, Leone is a man," Bruno corrected the waiter.

"No sir, I thought you were a woman teehee isn't that quirky? it's me Doppio Vinegar anyways what do you gays want?" Doppio sighed.

"I'll take some Chardonnay and Leone will have.."

"Oh I want some vodka. I'm looking to get fucked tonight"

"Don't rely on that alcohol too much for th efuxking," Bruno quipped back at him, causing much disarray for Abbacchio.

"I'm so tired of you couples walking in here and acting horny in front of the waiters," Doppio sighed heavily. "I'll be out with your drinks soon." He back flipped and disappeared.

"Bruno you're too forward tonight I'm coming already" Abbacchio whined.

"Too bad bitch boy. I'm feeling extra saucy" Bruno replied back. He took his foot and brought it up to Abbacchio's inner thigh.

"At least wait until we're home again.." Abbacchio grumbled. He didn't deny that he was enjoying the attention though because he's touch starved and an attention whore for ravenette mother Bruno "Plus I want to get my vodka."

"Am I not good enough for you??" Bruno cried temporarily.

"No you are!!" Abbacchio cried as well. "I just want some fucking alcohol because I'm an alcoholic 😡😡"

Bruno calmed down after that. "Oh okay good."

Doppio came back. "Hey you two you know what you want for your dinner?"

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