Midget escapes girlfriend and runs to another country

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Koichi time?!?! Whatsss up 5'0" looking ass

He awoke from his bed in Morioh. Hmm what to do today I wonder 🤔🤔 he wondered to himself. Suddenly his level head got a mostly normal idea. He'd find Josuke so he could have a bizarre day!

He said bye to his parents and hopped out of his house in search for Josuke and prob Okuyasu bc those gays are always together. Eventually he got to Josuke's house and knocked on the door. Tomoko answered fairly quickly and looked down at the midget boy.

"Josuke isn't home right now. He's at the beach 👀"

"Damn" Koichi said before running off to the beach. Approximately 9 seconds later, he got there and saw Josuke doing backflips into the water with Okuyasu shimmying on the sand. Jotaro Kujo sat in a beach chair a few meters away writing something down in a journal.

Koichi visited him first. "Hey Mr Kujo!"

Jotaro looked over to see his favorite child. "Oh hey Koichi. Josuke and Okuyasu are being dumb bitches if you want to join them 🤡"

Coochie decided to and ran over to the duo. "Hey guysss what's up"

Suddenly Yukako appeared behind him. "Koichi you're here!!"

Josuke pushed Koichi in her direction and grabbed Okuyasu. They ran away and left Koichi behind to deal with his crazy girlfriend. Koichi cried 😭 because he didn't want to be left with her and she scoffed in his direction 👽.

"Coochie I want you to put your head in between my boobs my entire life is meant for you 😇🥺"

This caused Koichi to panic and run away hopefully forever. Yukako ran after him saying "KOICHI COME BACK OR I'LL KILL JOSUKEEE BABE I NEED YOU INSIDE ME 😩😈👺"

Jotaro shielded Koichi from his crazy gf. "Sorry but Coochie doesn't want you right now. If you try to follow us I'll literally strangle you to death 😐"

She stopped and started to fake cry. Koichi felt bad immediately "I'm sorry Yukako but if you keep acting like this I'll have to file a restraining order and you know we both don't want that 🤯"

She stopped short and glared at him. "This isn't over yet you midget boy." She then disappeared.

"That's weird. Anyways I'll take you home Coochie since everyone else ditched you.." Jotaro sighed he felt sorry for the small child.

Koichi nodded. "I'll very much like that."

They started towards his street when suddenly Rohan came over. "Koichi let me get a taste of your hair. I need to know how midgets live for my next manga line 🤩"

"Wtf nooo please Rohan 😡☹️"

"Too late you little bitch" Rohan grabbed ahold of Koichi and tore out a few hairs and put them in his mouth. Chewing, he nodded his head in understanding. "You live such a sad and anger filled life Koichi. I'm always here for you if you need a boost in testosterone. You'll feel so much more masculine after being next to my fem gay ass. I'm literally wearing my Versace thong 💅🙌"

Koichi frowned. "I have a favor to ask of you."

"What do you want I'm about to be busy with writing so make it good 😡" Rohan crossed his arms dramatically.

"Can you write a new language into someone? I'm deadass about to move countries so I can get away from Yukako without beating her up 🤯😐👺"

Rohan nodded. "Yeah but you'll have to do something for me 🥺"

"What?? I already let you taste my hair weirdo"

"Get a piece of Josuke's hair and I'll write it into you🤡 I need the taste of a healer"

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