Chapter-2 (The Library)

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We went to the desk and found so many things. I took my drone and my gadgets. My one was scanning glasses, an electric gun and a watch. That was also a protecting shield (the watch). They were so amazing! We were taking a look on our things. All of we had Different things without Drone. We all were amazed to see all of these things. Alan got the best one. He got Iron powers. We all tried our gadgets and went to cabins again.

I was going to the cabins and saw a room. It was unlocked. I opened the door and it was looking like a big library. I never saw so many books together like this! I went inside. I am a bookworm so I was feeling a little jealous. I couldn't understand that which one I should choose first! Then I saw a book in the reading desk. So I started with that. But What!!!! The book was Blank! Not only that, I checked more books from the selves but they were blank too.

Then I looked at the last page of the first book and saw a Riddle.

"Find a pattern, look inside. Return the jam, save your pride"

I didn't understand anything. I took it to Alan. I said all of that. He told me to take him there. I took him. He looked at the books and none of them have any name or title without a few. And Most of them were blank. He told me that –

-We will try to figure it out. Now ....... (He stopped by someone's voice)

-We got an issue! (#7 told to us)

He took us to a room. It was looking like a big lab. There were so many big selves and those were  full of glass containers and glass bottles with some liquids.

-Alan all of them are Acids (#7)

-What they do with these? (me)

-We still don't know! It's looking like a lab and maybe that's why it's here. They maybe used these in there experiments. And also these are in a very good position. Looks like they got technologys of another level! (#7)

-That's creepy! And what's in those glass containers? (Alan said)

-Well they are most of sodiums and other material things. (#7)

(Alan looked around the lab)

-We are searching for more. (#7 said and left the place)

We went to our places and I came to my cabin. I was hard thinking about the riddle. What actually that mean? What do they mean by a jam? What is that actually? Suddenly someone knocked the door. It was Zane.

-Hey! You didn't meet with me after that. (Said he)

-oh, umm, yes! I actually forgot. Anyways how are you? (I asked)

- As usual! What about you? (Zane)

-Good too! Kind of. (Me)

-Hmmm. Are you okay? You are looking tired. (Zane)

- Umm, maybe? I'm actually worried. This place is strange! And I've never been alone without my family. And friends in here, I've only talk with them but never been face to face. (Me)

- It's fine!! Look at me. I am your good friend, aren't you thinking? (Zane)

-Yeah! So I'm a little relaxed!! (Me)

- Oh you should be. What do you think? Isn't that cool to be a part of this. It's cool to see you in here. After you left I never thought that I will meet with you in this life again. I was missing you! We all are missing you very much! Please come back! (Zane)

-I wish I could. (Me)

- (He sighed) what's that in your hand?

-oh this is a riddle. I found it from the library. (I said)

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