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“Come on, we're gonna miss the fireworks!!!” Octavia exclaimed, dragging the ash-blonde over towards the path that led to the dock, the park alive with an excited chatter from everyone that had gathered.

Night had finally fallen, and the fireworks show that had been planned for Independence Day was about to begin. His soulmate tugged him onto the dock, the two of them taking a seat, side-by-side, on the edge of it.

Katsuki's life and mood had honestly done a complete 180 also when he met his soulmate. It was like everything she did just... Lit up whatever aspect of his life needed fixing.

Octavia reached over and happily laced her fingers with his, leaning her head on his shoulder while the first of the fireworks exploded in sharp bursts of color, illuminating the sky beautifully.

Katsuki smiled, heart warm in his chest; it was almost as if someone had lit a soft, mellow fire in his ribcage. If he wanted to be extra cheesy, he could compare the two of them to a hearth.

He was the wild, blazing flame, and she was what kept the flame from going wild and consuming everything, the thing that kept the warmth of the fire gentle and comforting.

When he was younger, he was always angry, hateful, and upset. Now, he was content, happy that he was no longer alone.

In the flickering light of the fireworks, he reached his other hand towards her, turning her face towards his and being greeted by a smile, one kind and filled with affection. “What is it, Katsuki?”

“...nothing,” he murmured, slowly leaning in and capturing her lips in a tender kiss, the warmth of his palm against her cheek making the woman exhale softly and wish she could just stay like this for a while.

Katsuki's hand loosely began to tangle itself in her hair, his fingers brushing through her brown locks with care, and they parted soon afterwards. The hazel-eyed object of his affections was wearing an absolutely lovestruck look in her eyes and an expression of adoration on her features.

In his eyes, she truly looked serene.

As the explosions of red, blue, green, pink, and gold continued, the couple enjoyed a happy moment of peace, both smiling against the other's lips while they held each other in a loving embrace.

It truly was wonderful.

One year later...

“Where are we going, again?” Katsuki asked, putting his suitcase into the trunk of his car.

“The state fair, remember? I went with my family when I was a teenager, it was super fun,” the brunette said, handing him her luggage so he could do the same with hers.

“And it was in Missouri?”

“Yup! We're gonna have such a nice time, you'll love it. There are also museums and tons of other cool stuff over there!” Octavia exclaimed, beaming at the ash-blonde.

After nearly two years of dating, the two of them could officially say they were an item with complete confidence; currently, they were about to depart on a speedily planned road trip. A full two days in a car together, and she hoped they wouldn't grow sick of each other.

Katsuki was the first one taking a driving shift, and they departed, the woman comedically waving to their apartment complex.

“Wanna listen to anything in particular, Kat?” she asked with a smile, holding up her phone after connecting it to the car's charger; at this point, he just left a phone charger in his car 24/7 since plugging in her device to put on music when they were in the car together was a common occurrence.

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