Chapter 6 A shot in the dark

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Let's just talk about the United Nations definition because the Indian Act is rarely followed if at all. The fact that no one in the country has noticed this and told the public that our model of education resembles a military barrack filled with prisoners of war tells me all I need to know about the educational concerns that the politics of this country has.

This is the truth, something that was not supposed to be told to the public, the schools are just an extension of those military barracks, you are just more cannon fodder for the war-mongering weapons manufacturing companies that benefit from citizens incapable of critical thinking and problem-solving. You are being molded into an ideal citizen that just knows that he should obey the orders of authority and must do everything to protect the status quo.

Every action you took in schools was pointless, instead, it did more harm than benefit, the uniform was there to make you look like prisoners of war and the forced haircut was there to assert dominance over you. That's all, there is simply no reason as to why uniforms and haircuts are required for someone to learn a skill unless the requirement of the skill states.

For example, a pilot being told to have a clean shave makes sense because he might need to wear his oxygen mask anytime, a Scooba diver needs to be in good physical condition to perform deep dives but there is not a single valid reason except for just made-up stuff on blog websites as to why students are made to wear a uniform. The very existence and rampant success of coaching classes have proved it. Ask any high schooler whether or not his coaching academic education is way more efficient than his school.

Why is it that coaching classes can teach and prepare a better syllabus for students in 2 hours than what the school can do in 6 hours? The schools have become useless in terms of the value they provide and they are fully aware of it. The 75% attendance rule is the result of this insecurity. Suppose I have to make a cake as the final test of me becoming a pastry chef would you bother from where I have learned to make that cake or would you taste it to determine whether it's good or not.

Why do I need to be present in the school for 75% of the academic year if I am fully capable of passing the examination by studying at coaching centers that do not force me to have a haircut or wear a uniform or perform assembly prayers and other formalities, we have become accustomed to? The schools are offering a service that no one in their right minds needs to buy, they are ineffective and are nothing more than centers for brainwashing the children into becoming good submissive employees.

We reach a place on time daily and we line up to sing, we line up to greet, we line up to commute and we even sit in lines. This is not how primates are supposed to learn. Ants and other animals who walk in line in jungles do it to save their lives from predators or to follow their leader. Human children are way more developed than that. Our obsession with symmetry and similarity has made us blind towards the horrors we are putting our children through. We can align our objects and tools in our home so that they look pretty to us but it goes a little too far when we expect students to be in order and symmetry all the time.

This is why all of the students are made to wear the same uniform and have the same haircut, sit in similar lines and write down the same questions that everybody else is doing. Activities are regulated by the ringing of a bell and that leads to students being highly indecisive, when every decision you ever took was taken actually by someone else you are unable to decide things for yourself when need be. What subject and what chapters in those subjects you will study when are already decided for you, you cannot go out of your classroom without asking or even go to the washroom without permission.

Have you ever seen a business so desperate that it had to resort to physical violence to make you consume its product? Does Netflix bother you to watch their shows for 2 hours 75% of the year? This is how useless and desperate the schools have become. The students pay the fees but still do not wish to take their horrible service, instead, they chose to study at a coaching center and would only appear in exams at school if possible.

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