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context: y/n tried to finding the bathroom in early morning, in the large manor, but got lost, and ran into someone

+ note: levi n a few other characters have stereotypes. for example, the only words that ever come out of levi's mouth are "tch, brat"

+ for ages in this fic—all the vets are older but not by that much. everyone are all in their sophomore year of college and on winter break





"My name's Reiner, nice to meet you. My room's near Eren's. Just go down this hallway here, then take five straights, 2 lefts, 3 rights, another 6 straights, and turn left when you see a wide long window. You'll find my room just around there. If you need something, don't hesitate to come to find me there, and I'll help you out anytime."

"Uh, okay, got it. Thank you so much, Mr. Reiner, sir. Also, uh. Do you know which way the bath-"

"Bathroom is? Yea, it's just this way to the right. Additionally, no need to be so formal."

"Thank you so much, Mr. Rein-, Reiner. I'll be going now."

As soon as I saw Reiner turn his back to start his journey towards the place he described his room to be, I bolted straight for the washroom.

"Just to the right, he said. So it should be around- THERE, I SEE IT!"

Just ahead of me lies a door. I can see the light shining through the small opening underneath the closed entrance. I've finally found the washroom.

"Please don't be locked, please don't be locked, please don't be locked."

I reach my hand slowly towards the shiny golden door handle. There are no visible fingerprints on it, which makes me wonder how often this particular bathroom usually gets used, considering how big the house is. There is a slim chance that there could be someone inside. My hand reaches the door handle. I slowly turn the handle down. It's unlocked.

I throw myself inside and shut the door. I made it. I smell it. My nose inhales the familiar smell of my shit. An aroma so strong and delicious that it would wake up a household, like fresh bacon on a Sunday morning. Lavender dookie.

My shit is erupting everywhere. I have held it in for so long, it will not stop. I can feel the gooey chunkiness of yesterday's breakfast. I've flushed multiple times in a row now.

It won't stop.

2 hours gone, and a clogged toilet. That is the result of my shit. I am thankful that the toilet seemed somewhat unused because I made quite an unforgivable mess. Hopefully, nobody will go in there for a while. I tried my best to flush as fast as I could, but the water tank couldn't keep up with my demands.





It felt good to finally get that out, but I also feel strange. It might be the fatigue speaking, but it almost feels like I'm being watched. I'm thinking crazy things. It must be around 5 am by now, I need to go to bed.

I take a step back into the large corridor from which I came. I'm so tired, which way did I come from again? There are three options. Straight, left, and right. I'll just go to Reiner's room and ask. What was it, 6 rights? Which way was it? Green trash can? No, red? I don't remember what is what. What am I looking for? My eyes are getting heavy. Are the lights turning off again? Everything is going dark. I can't feel my feet. Why am I falling? I'm so tire-





I hear voices, people moving. My head's pounding. Be quiet, let me sleep longer. I roll my body to face upwards. I squint as I force myself to open my eyes. The light is so bright, it's making my headache worse by the second. I feel like I have a hangover. Did I drink last night? No. I don't drink. What happened last night? I remember leaving after I took a shit and looking for something- Wait. I look directly upwards from where I was lying.

That isn't my ceiling. I sit up suddenly from where I was lying down. This isn't my room. I look around to reveal a gigantic room. It's the biggest room I've ever laid eyes on in my life. I immediately know where I am. Eren's room.

I picked myself up from where I was laying. The smell of food enters my nostrils, it's making me hungry. My eyes feel groggy and terrible. It must be mid-day already; I was up so late. I approach the source of the voices and open the door.

I see a group of people, staring at the tv. I begin to recognize some of the individuals sitting on the couch eating food, Armin, that mop of a dog,
Reiner and.... Eren. There are many things fresh faces I fail to recognize, though.

"Oh, y/n!"

I glance over to observe Reiner, gesturing for me to come towards him. I smile and I see the familiar face and start walking to Reiner. Though we met in a weird way, I feel like Reiner is the only person that I trust around here. I'm suddenly stopped by an arm.

"Excuse me-"

"Where are you going, y/n?"

I look up to see the familiar face staring me down. I still haven't forgotten about how he called me his 'pet.' It's causing me to hold a mild grudge against Eren. I point towards Reiner.

"Why? Why do you need to go there? And why are you acting all friendly towards him? It's not like you know who he is."

"I do know who he is. I got lost and he showed me the way last night."

"Sure didn't seem like he showed you the way when I saw you."

"So it was you who was following me."


"That's a bit creepy don't you think?"

"Well, I was just making sure you were okay, alright?"

"Wow, so reassuring to know that you followed me at 3am last night to make sure I was okay. Move your hand."

"Watch the attitude. You're my pet remember?"

I look Eren dead in the eye, clearly enraged.

"Your hand, move it. It's in my way."

"Or what?"


"That's what I thought, pet. Make it quick."





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