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"I'm so sorry, that was totally my fault."

"It's fine."

The girl is suddenly overcome with worry. She reaches her hands to her neck as if she's lost a very precious necklace. I instantly look around myself for any loose jewelry.

As I turn around, an indescribably, awful stench enters my nose. I spot a faded red scarf. In assumption that I had found the missing object of the girl, I reach out to grab it.

As my fingers wrap around the scarf, it crunches like a potato chip, unleashing even more stench to emerge from the fabric. I think I might puke. This scarf smells like it haven't been washed in years. No, centuries. I can't even distinguish a smell even similar to this. It smells terrible. 

"Is this yours-"

The scarf is ripped from my hand. I watch as the girl crunches the scarf a couple times to release more of the scent. She then lifts the scarf up to her nose, and inhales it deeply, multiple times.

I don't even understand how that's even possible. Just thinking about that smell is enough to puke. I'm really starting to question the people that are residing here. No, not starting. These people are absolutely insane, no question about that.

"Thank you."

"No probl-"

I throw up a little in my mouth. It's a far better taste then the smell of that scarf. I can't even talk without lunch forcing itself to come up. I've got to ask the girl where the bathroom is. I can manage one word, hopefully. 


"You need the bathroom? It's that way to the right."

I nod my head in thanks, and start sprinting away, still holding my breath. I've got to get away from that scarf, as soon as possible. That smell is stained in my nostrils. I couldn't even ask for the girl's name. Never mind that, the washroom should be just to the right here, thank goodness. As I turn the corner, there's no door to be found.

Maybe she meant to the left. I scurry over to the left side to find yet, another plain empty hallway, with no doors. I finally exhale my breath after holding it for as long as possible. The smell I expected was replaced with something. Instead of the dreaded scarf scent I had been hiding from, I smell a cigarette.

It reminds me of home, in a sense. My dad smoked packs quite heavily half of the time, so that scent lingered around the apartment. Without thinking, I start following the cigarette smell. As I walk left, it becomes stronger and the air is more dense. It gives me a warm feeling in my stomach.

The hallways become smokier as I move along. I can suddenly see the source of the smoke.

The blonde girl that I had briefly met was resting on a windowsill puffing cigarette smoke into the starlit sky.

It was obvious that I was there, though Annie didn't turn to see who has just interrupted her time alone.

"Need something?"


At the sound of a voice Annie didn't recognize, she finally turned to look at me. She inspected my face to confirm it was me through the cigarette smoke. Then she turned back to look out the window.

"You're Eren's pet huh?"

"Why does everyone keep calling me that?"

"Because that's what you are."

"I've got a name you know."

"I'm aware. 'Eren's pet' is just more fun. Names are boring."


"What are you doing here? By yourself, I mean."

"By myself?"

"I doubt Eren let you wander around alone."

"He didn't."

"Has he noticed that you were gone?"


"He's gonna kill you if he finds out that you left without permission. And I don't make jokes. I don't know what part of you thought it was a good idea to sneak away."

"I don't know either."

"So what do you do now? You're in deep shit."

"I don't know.... I was just trying to find the bathroom."

"You can use mine." She mutters, turning to unlock the door next to her.





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⏰ Last updated: Apr 02, 2022 ⏰

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