♡Promise Me♡

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"Hey Dream"


The Man with golden hair locks and bright green eyes answered with an annoyed sigh.

"Wow, what was that attitude~"

The Man next to him looked at him with a confused [yet teasingly]. The Young man had pale snow like skin, gorgeously looking black hair and sunset colored eyes.

"Aw come on, just say you wanna say already!"


The two men stayed quiet for awhile. Moments later the blonde man looked at the man next to him. Confused on why he stayed quiet. But as he looked at him, he noticed the man staring at the sunset with glowing eyes- amazed by how beautiful a field could look like as the sun dissapeared out of the horizon.

"It's Pretty.."

The man finally spoke up.

"Sunsets are very pretty..."

The man said with a hint of sadness in his tone. The blonde looked at him bewildered.

"I mean of course.."

The blonde answered.

"You know what else is pretty?"


"Your eyes.."

The black haired man flinched at the sudden statement of the other, and a slight pink blushed arose from the mans cheeks.

"What the hell man? Saying such things.."

He muttered


The blonde laughed as he noticed the man beside him get flustered. The two had feelings for each other but neither of them confessed. Afraid that one might not reciprocate their feelings.

"Anyways..stop laughing, I want you to promise me something!.."

The Man exclaimed as he regained his composure.

"Ah yeah sure, what is it?"

The blonde smiled sweetly, looking at the man beside him and awaited pasiently for the other to answer.

"Promise me that when i die-

"Woah woah woah, wait wait..WHAT??"

The blonde shocked; cut off the others sentence. He then felt nervous and uneasy when the other started talking about his own death. He panicked

"Okay chill, let me finish~"

"Wait Sapnap are you DYING?!"

The man yelled [bluntly] at the his friend whose name was Sapnap.

"Dream chill i am NOT dying~"

Sapnap laughed nervously, the man named Dream then 'calmed' down but somehow still felt uneasy as Sapnaps tone of voice sounded weired.

"Okay- sorry..continue please"

"Right as i was saying..When i die, promise me that you'll --------------"

Dream looked at him confused

"O-okay..but why tho?.."

"Because i just want to!"

Sapnap smiled bitterly. It was almost as if he was saying goodbye.

"Promise me! Okay??"

"Yes yes i Promise"

The Man smiled sweetly at him.

Present Time

"You fucking bitch..so hey..i fullfiled my promise.."

"You happy?.."

Dream said bitterly as he looked at a grave. The man then walked away as he left an orange begonia flower at his old friends grave..

Sapnap died 3 months ago. His best friend had died of a stage 3 lung cancer.
Of course Dream being a him; he was furious. Mad at why Sapnap never told him about hid disease and mad at himself..for never getting the chance to even confess at him.

The night after Sapnap's funeral, sapnaps sister gave dream a letter. The letter contained the mans apology slash confession. Dream thought he was a coward. For being scared of getting rejected and not taking the chance to even confess to the man he loved before he died. But it was too late...

Begonia Flower - a symbol of gratitude and respect.

The End~

Lol sorry if you guys cant understand the story, english isnt my first language but i tried. Also i had no idea how to end the story but i dont think i did well, but let me know what you guys think~


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