🍁My autumn Soulmate 4🍂

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°TW!!! mentions of pills and disorders•

Next Day

Sapnap POV
I felt drowsy because i couldnt sleep properly last night. I was once again having trouble trying to sleep properly so i resorted to the use of sleeping pills. I've been having this sleeping problems since 8th grade, ever since my dad left me all alone to go to his mistress family. So i had no choice but fend for myself. My mom? She was actually in an arranged marriaged with my once was 'father' so she never really had the chance to look for her soulmate. So she instead focused on me to atleast ease her pain. But then she died of lung cancer when i was 8 years old. She died not even knowing that her husband was cheating on her.. But anyways- 

I walked to my first class of the day; English. I quite liked English classes becuase honestly it was the easiest of them all to learn. I sat down on my Table when i heard a ding from above. I looked up to see it was my Soulmate finder thing!..I really didnt know what to call it, all i knew was that it help you find your soulmate all around the world. You were given 100 free hints, this soulmate thingy would appear when you turn 16. I'm 17 btw. And it disappears when you find your soulmate. The choices were--

                     <Soulmate Hint>
Accept                                               Decline

WARNING!!! Once you hit decline you will never be able to get this specific hint about your Soulmate again!

I was about to hit the Accept button when someone tripped and just HAD TO fall into me! Making me 'choose' the Decline button instead!


                   <Soulmate Hint>
Accept                                         [ Decline ]

You have choosen to Decline, thank you and please do not regret your choice :)

Hints Left = 100 (You have not used any hints yet)

"YOU DUMBASS! I MISSED A HINT!!" I said cursing out loud. Everyone then turned their attention to us and started whispering and murmuring.

"I-i-m so s-so so-r-ry" The guy who tripped agaisnt me apologized while stuttering. He tried to get up from the floor and then apologized to me again. He was saying sorry like it was some sort of mantra. I ran my fingers thro my hair and gripped them hard to try and hold myself back from enraging any further.

"It's fine..-sigh- Please stop saying sorry and just go to your seat..." I said with gritted teeth, sighing trying to calm myself down. I looked at the guy and he looked as if he was about to burst into tears. I was then guilty for yelling at him. I shouldnt have yelled after all i still had 100 hints left..I didnt waste any, kinda.

The guy then hurriedly went into his seat at the back of the class as i sat back down. Not long after the class calmed down and the bell rang indicating that class was about to start.


Everyone from the classroom hurriedly left trying to get to their next class or where ever they needed to be. I stayed behind and so did the guy from earlier. I wanted to apologize for what i did earlier. And so i slowly approached him, but as i was about to say anything he said--

"I-im sorry again! BYE!" He said as he left and ran out. I yelled wait but then stopped. I might've embarrassed the guy. Oh poor him..

I walked out of the classroom and went to my locker to get my other book for my next class, when suddenly i heard i ding again.

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