🍁My autumn Soulmate 6🍂

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1 week later || Sunday

Sapnap POV
I spent the last few weeks looking jobs that pay a lot. Although there were some people hiring, the work pay wasnt much and i needed to get into a job where i could get paid fast and paid for a fair amount.

Puffy; my friend, then suggested to me a coding company. She said it had all that i was looking for. Something that im good at, gives me school hours, and a nice pay~.. But the thing is she didnt tell me it would be a giant ass company!!!

so here i am today, at the waiting room of "Code Tech & Games Corp". Code Tech & Games Corp is a big company in the whole country in Mineplex. It comes in fourth i think?..not really sure. But back to the present.

I swear im about to shit my pants, why am j even here in the first place?!?!? i just KNOW im not gonna get the damn job so why am I still HERE???...Irene, theres Air conditioners every where but why is it still so hot!

-nervous sigh-
*It's ok..im gonna be fine..its for Tubbo and Phil afterall, so i can do this!* I reassured myself as i did a 'fighting/You can do this' gesture with both of my arms.

I set down the resume and what not papers i was holding on my lap while waiting. A few minutes later a lady with pink glasses came out of that giant big ass door, which im guessing is either the CEO's office or something else..

???: "Mr.Sapnap? You may follow me and come inside now"

She said giving me a sweet smile, i smiled back and laughed nervously.
"O-oh kay.."  I said as i slowly stood up from my seat. My legs are about to give out..But managed to get through it and walked in front of the door. She then smiled again as she slowly opened the door again.

???: "Sir & Madam the 17th and last applicant is here and ready"

I looked around slowly and i could feel more sweat beads falling and sliding down in my forehead. I slowly walked up to a long table that seemed to be endless in my perspective.

*Ah it lookes like a meeting room..*

*This place is big...and super clean..*

*Am i dirtying it with my shoes? I hope not..*

*I thought this was the CEO's office..*

*Stupid Sapnap how could the bosses office be on the 8th floor only???*

*God i am so embarrasing..*

I was so lost and drowned in my own thoughts.
That was until someone tapped me lightly on the shoulder causing me to jump.
"Oh! I'm sorry Sir, I didn't mean to scare you." the lady said smiling once again. Her tone was gentle but also a bit teasing.
"...It's ok..I was just lost in thought." I replied, rubbing my neck awkwardly.


"Huh?..OH! yes i- uh.."

*CRAP U DUMBSHIT SAPNAP!! How could i be so lost in thoughtin front of my possibly future bosses!* And i just stood there and smiled awkwardly. I saw the lady sitting on the table then write osmething on her clipboard.. Oh no-


???: "It seems your nervous Mr uhh Sapnap?"

The man said; who sat next to the lady.  The woman turned to him and gave him a smirk that could kill.
She said with a slight British accent; "Indeed he is..he just got here and doesn't know how to act, I think he's quite young though.." she laughed quietly and rolled her eyes slightly, making me more nervous.

???: "Well no need to worry, its normal for students who are going on their first ever interview to be nervous.." He said again as he  leaned forward to look me directly in my eyes; a small chuckle escaping his mouth every time I moved, almost like he could tell that i was feeling scared by just looking at me.. "Now please sit down, we have all the time in the world." He said, gesturing towards an empty chair across their table and next to me..

30 min'  later

"Thank you again for coming here Mr.Sapnap" The woman named Chandle said as she reached her hand out. The man named Eret said the same and also shaked my hand.

"We'll be sure to call again" Eret said as he smiled at me.
"Uhm Nicky please escort Mr.Sapnap out" He added. Their assistant then came towards me from behind and patted my back. And we headed out..


"Ah fuck...my stomach's churning..what the heck that was so scary.." I said groaning. The would probably be the most scary thing i ever experienced yet..Well lets just hope i get the job..

"I'm hungry.." I said mumbling but then-

???: "If your hungry then may i treat you to lunch then?" I turned my head around saw a familiar guy. His hair was golden brown, his eyes grean and his face littered with freckles. I don't know what happened but i was as if time stopped for a few seconds.
He chuckled softly, causing a blush to form over my cheeks, "Are you ok, pal?....you kinda spaced out there..?" he asked as he started walking next to me.
"Yeh I'm fine" I said, turning away from him and was about to walk away when he called me again.

???: "Uh hey! I meant what i said..y-you know?.." He giggle awkwardly, i turned to look at him and said--

"I apologize but i will have to decline, i dont know you and neither do you know me.." I said trying not to sound mean but insteaf it sounded like i was a cat hissing at a stranger. I turned my back away from him again and started walking away. I needed to get home and buy lunch for Tubbo and Phil.

???: "W-wait" But then the so called stranger ran after me and grabbed my wrist, and it felt like electricity shot through my arm. He looked at his hands as if he was surprised that he was actually touching me, and looked up at me. I raised an eyebrow and waited for him to say whatever it is that he wants to say.

???: "Oh sorry! I just really wanted to be-...f-friends with you and i uh- Work! in h-here too!" He said stuttering as he used his other hand to point at the building behind us. Still not letting go of my hand.

"Okay sir but i really need to go home and i don't have time to talk to stra- "  And before i could finish talking he cut over me and said--

???: "My treat!..I-it'll be my money, to buy..tye food i mean.." He smiled and laughed nervously. Why was this man so desperate to take me out for lunch and 'be friend' me?
And since he was still holding my hand tightly I couldnt really leave, I guess. So i sighed and decided to humor him and see where it goes, maybe it wasnt such a bad idea to be friends with an employee of this company, i mean incase i dont get the job i could just ask him to help me look fof another, like maybe?..
-sigh-   ...
"Alright..fine..but only for today..." I added and he immediently smiled as if the world was full of colors and such. He then ran slowly as he dragged me to god knows where.


But why do he feel so familiar?..

AYYYYYY, also i posted this on ao3! The title is just the same including the emojis so u guys can search for it! I also will update on ao3 faster and first so yeah~

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 14, 2022 ⏰

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