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Bright-The gay rumor
The past
The new student was coming today. When a new student comes, everyone gets excited about it. It's just those little things that kids care about so much. What if the new student is cute, hot, or even ugly. But not for me, I'm not to worried about the new student. The only thing that I should be worried about is if the student can survive here.

School is not easy and realistically you can fail. I tap my pencil on my notebook as I try to listen to the teachers lecture. It's hard when you have dumb students whispering around you. All you hear is guess who slept with who or guess who hooked up last week. It's all over the damn school! And quite frequently, I'm tired of it.

Kids are too invested in drama and gossiping but not me. I try to stay away from the drama.

"Everyone we have a new student that just transferred here. His name is Metawin Opas-iamkajorn. I hope you guys will get along." Mr. Dim announced.

Until now.

For the first time, I'm actually paying attention. The new kid was cute. really cute. Probably the cutest I ever seen. I watch him look at everyone with that adorable bunny like smile on his face. I place my hand on my chest as I feel it beating so fast.

Wait! Why was it beating so fast?

"Hi, everyone. I'm Metawin Opas-iamkajorn but you can just call me Win." He speaks and his voice is so calm and charming. I start to gulp nervously as he made a small eye contact at me. It was only for a second but it still shake me.

"Win, you can take a seat anywhere you like." Mr. Dim tells him and I quickly noticed the only seat that's available is the one next to me. Win nods and makes his way to the seat that hasn't been filled yet.

Win sit as I look on how close he is now. He's still cute and I'm in trouble. Win turns his head at me and gives me a nod and a smile but I quickly turn my head as place my hand over my face to cover up the embarrassing blush that I now have.

Come on Bright, get a grip. Don't tell me I have a crush on the new Guy.

Focusing became in impossible as I feel that the new kid Win is staring at me. I hope he isn't. That would be embarrassing because I am still blushing. I haven't stop since I laid eyes on him. I decided to turn my head a little and by my surprising, Win isn't even looking. He is paying attention to the board. I take a look at at his side profile more to examine his body. I can tell he's a little muscular, like he works out for a bit.

I look down at his shirt to see a bit of his chest is revealed. I expanded my eyes to notice that he is so bold to do that and he looks so hot wearing it to. I start to see Win turning his head as he gives me a smirk. I quickly noticed that he's looking at me so I quickly cover my face again.

That look right there almost killed me. As I try to catch my breath, I hear the desk being slam really hard as I hear my name being shouted from the front. I quickly lift my head in alert to see what is going on.

"Bright! What's the answer for number 8?" Mr. Dim asked me. I don't even fucking know. I didn't even hear the question.

I nervously start to shake my leg as I bite my bottom lip. I literally have no idea.

"Uhhhhh........boobs." I randomly come up with. I instantly hear the entire class laughing at my silly answer. I don't blame them. It was pretty stupid.

The only reason why I said it was because I was looking and thinking about Win's exposed chest in my mind. I see Mr. Dim sigh in disappointment as he tries to continue to move on. I give him an apologetic smile as I crotch my head into my arms of embarrassment.

Shit this really was embarrassing.

I suddenly woke up from the bell as I lift up my head from the desk. I look at the time on my watch. I didn't even notice that I was late to my next lecture. Shit they are going to mark me for being late. I quickly stuff my books and shit in my bag as I see four legs in front of me. I look up to see it's the two gossip girls of the school. Ugh what the hell do these girls want?

"Bright are you gay?" Was the first question they asked me. I look at them as if they are some crazy people. Who the hell ask people that type of question?

"Who told you that?" I questioned them as I see them look at each other with amusing smile.

"Well.....Win made a post on instagram and facebook and he says you are gay." They tell me and I'm still so confused.

Are they talking about Win as in the new kid? I highly doubt that. Why would he post that I am gay? He doesn't even know me. I look at the girls as I tell them.

"Stop spreading rumor about people! You girls get on my fucking nerves." I state to them as I grab my bag and storm out to my next class.

I made it to the hallway and I see a bunch of kids staring at me as they have there phone in their hands. I even over heard some of the students saying Bright Vachirawit is gay? I tightly hold my bag as I try to make it down the hall.

The laughing and the whispering seemed so endless as I finally make my way into my classroom. The students are already in their seats. I wasted no time to take mine. While the teacher is still writing today's lesson on the board, I take out my phone to find Win's post. I search up his name on facebook and as I click on his proflie, I see his latest post. I read it, feeling stupefied.

The post clearly says "Had the weirdest class period ever. Some kid name Bright was totally staring at me as If I was a snack. Don't want to judge, but the dude is so gay." I mouth it off to myself. I couldn't believe my eyes.

The cutest boy that I have ever seen just exposed me in front of my entire class. What the fuck was his problem? I didn't do anything to him. I fucking hate him!

A/N: So here I am making another story about brightwin. I personally just thought about this in my head. I worked hard trying to start this chapter. 😭
But here it is! I hope you enjoyed it because I feel bad for Bright. 😂

please vote and comment if you enjoyed 🤍

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