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Bright- I'm your Brightest Star.
3 years later
Me and Win decided to take a Journey to our old high school. I can't believe it's been seven years since we graduated here. Just coming back just brings back so many memories for me. I remember the day Win transferred and I was totally falling for him. That memory will never disappear from my mind.

The school is closed due to its summer break but we don't care. We just want to walk around the place.

"Right here. This very spot was when you confronted me and punched me across the face." Win reminded as I look at him surprised.

"Oh shit, I completely almost forgot about that." I say to him. Win laughs as he looks at me. "Sorry about that." I finally apologize, even though it's been seven years.

Win playfully bumps me in my shoulder. "Come on Bright, it's been seven years. I'm over it already." He tells me.

I start to in-lock our fingers together as we start to hold hands. We begin to walk into the building as we walk the hallways. So many things happened in these hallways.

"Right here is where I use to stand every morning by the water fountain to see you at get your books out of your locker." Win admitted. I smile as I look him.

We start to walk to our old classroom that we had together with Mr. Dim. Coming here again definitely gave me nostalgia. Seeing Win for the first time was definitely hitting me here. I almost had a heart attack.

"This is how we first met." I say to him.

"This was our seats. It looks the same still." Win says as he takes a seat at our desk.

"I remembered I was checking you out almost everyday." I admit to him.

"Ah Ha! I knew you were checking me out." Win points at me. I laugh at him.

"Can't believe this is where it all started." I say and me and Win just stand in silence. Just reminiscing the entire classroom.

"Oh shit, I just remembered. Mr. Dim called on you to answer the question on the board and you said boobs in front of everyone." Win laughs. I laugh with him as I remembered that embarrassing moment.

"In my defense, I didn't know the answer." I say to him as Win comes up to me as he wraps his arms around me shoulder. He starts to pull me out of the class as I continue to tell him that I didn't know the answer.

"Bright you're doing it wrong. You have to set it up like this." Win complains as he takes the plates from me.

We are having dinner with Mia and Win's therapist, which is now his good friend. I still don't understand that relationship. Reggie is cool, I guess but every time he comes over, he just pretends that this is his house. Win talked to him about it but nothing changed. So I just got use to it.

"Why does it have to be so perfect?" I questioned him but Win just ignores me to fix the plates on the table.

I smirk as I take the spatula off the counter to smack Win in the ass. He yelps as he turns at me.

"What the hell Bright! This is not the time to be playing dirty." He glares at me as he hold his butt with one hand.

"You like it when I play dirty." I tease him. Win takes one of the forks as he chases me around the table to poke me. I ran out of breath as Win now approaches with the fork. "You Win!" I yell in surrender.

Win smirks as he lays the fork down. I give him a swift kiss on the cheek as Win kisses his teeth as he wipes it off.

"Bright." He complains. I hear the door bell rings as it interrupts our little moment.

"I'll go let them in." I announce as I walk towards the door. I open it to see Mia and Reggie together.

"Ta Da!" I hear Mia say as Reggie holds up a bottle of wine in his hand.

"Come in." I invite them.

"Metawin I'm home!" Reggie shouts as I roll my eyes. Seriously dude, this is not your house.

"Wow the food smells good." Mia compliments as I see a bright smile on Win's face.

"Thanks Mia." He says to her. I look at Mia's face as she stares helplessly at Win. It's literally been three years and this girl is still hooked up on Win like a fan girl. Damn girl, get a grip.

"Can we eat? I'm starving." Reggie asked as I roll my eyes again.

"Yes we can." Win tells him and everyone sits down together.

"So Win, how is school going for you?" Reggie asked him.

"It's pretty good. Even though I'm doing it from home." He admits to him.

3 years ago when Win came out to the world, It wasn't a happy start. It was hard for us but something good came out of it. Win was getting major support from the LGBTQ community He became Thailand's rising gay star and I couldn't be more proud.

Honestly, he's my brightest star.

Win was is still making music and acting but he still wanted to be an architecture. So he decided to go back to school.

"Well cheers to Win for going back to school!" Reggie raises up his glass and we all follow up as we bump out glasses together.

Everyone went home from the dinner and I see Win on the couch just sitting down watching TV. I smile at him as I grab the tiny black box from the kitchen drawer. I slowly creep towards him as I make my way to the living room.

"Whatcha doing?" I slowly asked him.

"Watching a BL drama. Mia recommend this show called ThranType. It's really good." He says as I look at the screen.

"Well...... I have something for you." I tell him and Win turns his attention to me. He pauses the show as he gives me his full attention.

"What is it?" He asked with a curious face. I start to slowly kneel down on one knee as I look at Win. Win's eye start to grow as he quickly stands up. "Bright...."

"Win." I take one of his hand. "Will you marry me?" I asked him with hopefull eyes. I see a smile rising on Win's face.

"Fuck yes!" He yells out. I stand up as I wrap my arms around Win as we hug. "I wanna wear the ring." Win says.

I show him the tiny box as I show him the sliver ringer. Win gasp as he smiles brightly at it. I take his hand as I take out the ring out of the box. I slide it through his finger as I lay a small kiss on his finger.

"Now you're officially my wifey." I say to him as Win just pulls me in for another hug.

                                        The End.
A/N: Brightwin forever Thanks for reading this story. I really did enjoy writing it. I couldn't believe myself that I would make Bright propose but it's been 3 years heheh.

I'd like recommend two of my favorite writers brightsadamapple and stellsola  
Please go check out and read their stories 🥺🤍

Bye xoxo 😘

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