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Bright- I'm always thinking about you.
It's a good thing that I had work because otherwise, I would be laying in my bed thinking about the almost kiss my crush would have giving me. I was quite fond to hear the rest of what Win had to say but it felt like after the four years I spent hating him, Win still made my heart flutter. I wanted to forgive him but he hasn't earned my forgiveness.

Damn it Win! Why are you always in my mind? I sense a presents coming near me as I still work under someone's car.

"Brighhhtt!" I hear Mia's high voice as she calls me.

"What do you want?" I asked her.

"It's crazy how Win came to our work place yesterday. He was so handsome in person." She says and I quickly roll from under the car.

"Mia, didn't you promise me you would stop talking about Win?" I questioned her. Mia froze as she gives me a nervous look.

"Sorry I forgot." She says as I roll my eyes. I roll back under the car. "But I still have to ask you something. Win said that he knew you but you said that you hated Win back in high school. So....were you two friends?" She asked as I sigh. I roll out from under the car again.

"No we weren't and I really don't want to hear about Win anymore. So would you please leave me the hell alone?" I sort of yell at her.

"Geez you're more pissed than usual." Mia walks away.

I didn't mean to yell at her but hearing about Win is just driving me crazy. The bastard always pops up. I think I need some time away from all of this.

I just got off from work as I flop down on my bed. Work was hell today. I practically ignored everyone. I finish all three cars today and skipped 2 of my breaks. Work keeps my brain from thinking about certain things but in this case it was different. No matter how long I worked, Win's voice keeps appearing in my mind.

I think it's stress. I haven't pleasure myself in awhile. Maybe if I release myself, I could be at ease. I scoot myself more on the bed as I place my head on the back board of my bed. I pull down my pants as I see the non existing bulge through my boxers. I slide those off as I see myself fully exposed. I take my hand as I begin to grip my length in my hand.

I begin stroke it up and down as I close my eyes to have full concentration on pleasuring myself. I start to think of dirty thoughts, anything that can turn me on. I momentarily start to feel my stomach scrunching a little as I start to feel my dick expanding. I let a small moan escape as I start to stroke a bit faster.

"That's it. A little more." I say to myself as I bite my bottom lip hard.

I moan a little bit as I imagine someone stoking my dick but it all changed once I notice that the person that is pleasuring me is Win. My mind somehow switch to him but I'm already hard and so turned on. Seeing Win pleasuring me in my mind was all so sexy.

He was grabbing a hold of my pecker as he spits on it. He grouped from the top to the bottom while he was saying all type of dirty words to me. Why was this happening and why does it feel so good?

I beginning to stroke myself a little faster as I start to feel my peek rising. My toes were starting to curl and I felt myself about to release. Win is still in my mind and he is also stroking me down fast as well.

"Oh fuck!" I moan out as I feel the wetness in my hand.

I breath a bit heavily as I finally open my eyes. I look down to see almost my entire hand covered in my own semen. I never came this much before and it was all because I was thinking about Win. This was worse then I thought.

I sigh of disappointed that I failed to relax myself from the thought of him. I fucking miss him so much and I don know why. I fucking hate you Win for making me feel this way about you. I begin to stand up from my bed as I head to the bathroom.

Hopefully a nice shower can relax my brain.

A/N: Bright has it bad guys. Lol 😂

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