Chapter 2

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Third Person:

Ahro groaned as she gently plucked various herbs before putting them in the basket that she was holding

Her father, Doctor Anji asked her to gather some herbs as their supply is nearly out. Having no choice but to obey, Ahro can only do what she was ask to leading to the current situation

Getting up, she continued walking, searching for other herbs that they might need. She looked around the large silent forest as she continued her search before reaching a large clearing full of different colored wild flowers

Feeling tired, she sat down and rest. As the wind blows her hair, she heard a faint groaning voice. Standing up, she decided to search where the sound came from

Minutes past and she almost gave up before a white clothed figure catched her eyes. She cautiously approach the figure and what she saw made her gasp

The figure which she found out is a girl has locks of long silky white hair sprawled out on the grass. Defined white eyebrows, long and curly white eyelashes, cute button nose, rose colored lips and is wearing a long sleeved white dress which made her snow white skin stand out.

On the other side of the girl is a large black bag with the design of a white and red fan

As Ahro continued to study the girls delicate features a soft groan made her comeback to reality. The sound from earlier came from the angelic girl! Is what she thought

Crouching down, she touched the girl's pale white hand and she almost squealed at how soft the girl's skin is

Checking the girl's pulse which is beating irregularly made her know how serious the situation is

She thought on how to take the girl to their house and so far, she had two options. 1. She carry the girl which is impossible since she was week af or 2. Call her father to help her

Obviously, she chose option 2

Running through her house, she almost yelled with joy when she saw her Father on their house

"Father! Father!" Ahro yelled

Doctor Anji looked towards his daughter and asked, "What is it, Ahro?"

Inhaling deeply she answered, "There's this angelic girl on the forest, she's unconscious and her heart is beating irregularly! I left her there since I can't carry her! You must come with me, Father!"

Dr. Anji stands up in alarm before rushing to his daughter's side. "Where is she?" He asked

"I'll lead you to her" Ahro said as they run to the direction where Ahro left the white haired girl


Kim Mara:

I slowly opened my eyes and groaned as the light from the sun hit me square in the face. Blinking a couple times, I let my eyes adjust to the lights

I sit up slowly, groaning at how sore my body is. As I finally adjusted myself to a more comfortable position, I let my eyes wander around the room that I was in

'It looked like the place where Sunwoo wake up after Dr. Anji healed him'

My gaze snapped towards the door as it opened. And in come is a beautiful woman who has the very same face and clothes of Go Ara when she is acting as Ahro in Hwarang

The Ahro look-alike look at me surprised before rushing to my side

"Are you okay? Does anything hurt?" She worriedly asked as I only looked at her aghast

"I'm... fine. B-but... can I h-have wa...ter" I say with broken voice as my troath is probably drier than my fake friend's face

The ALA short for Ahro look-alike nodded as she made her way towards the small table beside me that I strangely didn't see earlier

She pour the water to the cup and brought it to me. I hungrily chug it down and wiped my lips with my sleeves after I finished

I give the cup back to Ahro who accepted it as she stands up, look at my direction before saying, "I'm going to go get your belongings and call my Father to check on you"

I nodded my head at her as she leaves the room. Minutes later she come back carrying a big black bag with the Uchiha Clan symbol sewn at the front. Following behind her is a middle aged man that look quite familiar but I just couldn't remember why

"Hello, young lad. I am the Doctor that treated you. You can call me Doctor Anji. This is my daughter, Ahro. Can I get your name?" Hearing his words I fell silent and was stunned for awhile before recovering

I faked a cough as I answer, "My name is Kim Mara. If I may, can you please answer this question of mine?" Seeing him nod I continued

"Where in the Earth am I? Because all I can remember is being blinded by a bright light before pain came surging down my body" I asked confused

Ahro and Dr. Anji looked at each other in the eyes and as if reaching a tacit understanding, they looked at me and nodded. "Your in the Kingdom of Silla in Korea. The one that is leading this Small Kingdom is the Queen Regent Jisoo"

Low and behold, I almost fainted

A/N: The Dress

A/N: The Dress

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 15, 2021 ⏰

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