First day

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Lucario Pov

When I Woke up I went downstairs and was greeted by my brother Ryu, who is a shiny Lucario who was making pancakes. He noticed me sitting down.

Ryu: Hey Rio,

Rio: Hey Ryu, I see you 're making pancakes again

Ryu: Yep, how many you want

Rio: Give me 2

Ryu: You usually eat 4 what's wrong

Rio: Nothing, just not as hungry as usual

Ryu: Alright

Rio Pov,

When Ryu asked me what's wrong, I lied and said everything but it wasn't since we have to go to school which everything is alright I'm with my brother I got friends but the bad things is that I get bullied by two pokemon a Blaziken named Blaze and a Breloom named Morel they both been bullying me since the school year started but one person I don't let get to me is my rival Lop a female lopunny we have been rivals since when we were a riolu and buneary but then when we evolved to a Lucario and Lopunny we became rivals even more and got more competitive since when we have gym sometimes what we do is we battle.


The bell rang for the gym and all the students went to the gym and they were met with their gym teacher. A scizor named Mars looked at us and then blew a whistle to get everyone's attention and they all looked at Mars until he decided to finally speak.

Mars: So today for gym I will pick two pokemon to battle It will be a regular battle expect you will wear this special belt with a white towel and when you feel like you took enough and can't battle no more you will throw this towel and I will end the battle and If I feel like you took enough, I will end the battle and the other pokemon will win also this belt and towel can not be destroyed by any pokemon moves let me show you.

Mars threw the belt with the towel on it and used flash cannon on it, causing an explosion and when everyone looked at the belt and towel were fine, it seemed like it didn't get hit by a move at all.

Mars: Now we will begin Rio and Lop on the battlefield

Everyone gasp in shock since they knew about how Rio and Lop been rivals for what seemed like forever Rio and Lop went on the battlefield and got in a battle stance and they both looked at each other trying to intimidate one another waiting for the battle to start until they heard a whistle blow and Mars shout for the battle to begin Rio and Lop rushed each other and when they were almost head to head they both used aura sphere knocking them both away from each other and hitting the ground, they both stood up really fast and Lop started to charge a fire punch and rushed Rio and Rio started to rush Lop when Lop was about to hit Rio with the fire punch Rio slipped to the right and used Thunder punch getting a direct hit on Lop knocking her back across the field Lop instantly got back up and rushed Rio again and Rio did the exact same they both got close but Lop stopped and started to charge a aura sphere and fired it at Rio giving him no time to react causing him to be sent across the field then Lop fired a thunderbolt hitting Rio again causing Lop to start to close the distance between them then she used fire punch getting a direct hit on Rio but then Rio used aura sphere causing Lop to fall down then Rio used aura sphere again hitting Lop knocking her back across the field she stood back up and shot a aura and so did Rio both aura spheres hit each pokemon causing them to be on the ground Lop and Rio started to stand back up but when they were on their feet they both wobbled and fell back to the ground then they heard a whistle blow and looked at Mars.

Mars: This match is over it has been decided a draw maybe next time you two can settle it now to the nurse.

Lop and Rio both stood up and left the gym, and started to walk to the nurse.

Rivals at first lovers at last (Lucario x Lopunny)Where stories live. Discover now