The battle

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Rio woke up and saw Lop still asleep next to him, so he started to tap her until she woke up.

Lop: huh oh- morning Rio

Rio: morning Lop

Lop: today's the day

Rio: Yep, where I win

Lop: So we have to wake the others up

Rio: well actually I got to go

Lop: wha- why

Rio: People participating in the torment have to go earlier then people who are going to watch

Lop: Oh-ok I'll wake the others up

Rio: Alright when you guys get there just go to the front desk and tell them your names which they should lead you to your seats

Lop: Alright

Rio started to walk out until he felt something wrap around him it was Lop who had him in a hug

Lop: Rio please be safe

Rio: I will

Lop: I love you

Rio: I love you too

They separated from the hug and Rio left the room and Lop closed the door and just sat down near the edge of the bed.

*Lops mind*

Rio please win this i believe in you

After Lop got out of her thoughts, she decided to leave her room and went out to go to the others, but they were already ready outside of Dawn's and Ryu's door and she walked up to them.

Ryu: Hey Lop, we were about to knock on your door and also where is Rio

Lop: He already left. He said challengers have to make it to the stadium early so he told me we have to go to the front desk and say our names and we should be led to our seats.

Ryu: Alright, so what are we waiting for

Rio pov

Rio made it to the stadium and went to the front desk and was met with the same Gardevoir as before.

Gardevoir: Name please

Rio: Rio

Gardevoir: Rio ah yes I remember you from yesterday you are a challenger. Go to that room in the back and search for another room with your name on it

Rio: Alright thanks

Gardevoir: No problem, good luck

Rio started to look for his room and found it and when he made it in he saw that there was a bed so he sat on the edge and saw on the tv showing the people who are gonna battle there was 16 pokemon and he realized two things is that he was up against a tyranitar and they were the first battle.

Lop and the others made it to the stadium, and they walked to the desk and were met with a shiny gardevoir

Gardevoir: names please

Lop: I'm Lop. That's Dawn that's Ryu, and that's Zorro

Gardevoir: Hm Yes, you four are in the system. I will lead you to your seats

Gardevoir got up, and they followed her and they made it to the stadium it was almost full and they got to their seats it was right near the field that they could put an arm out and it would be on the field but there is a shield around the stadium so moves don't hit other pokemon or the stadium they all sat down and Lop looked up to see a tv and she realized something

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⏰ Last updated: May 18, 2022 ⏰

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